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Taco narrowed her eyes, having watched all this. Something was off. Very off, and she didn't like it in the slightest. Once everyone was out of eye and earshot, Taco removed her cloaking, and looked to where Mic was last before activating hers, with a glare.

"We could've had her! What did you stop me for!"

"I stopped you because it felt like this wasn't the right time... Something felt really weird... which is why I came back in the first place! This plan needs to be taken out more carefully. You just attacked that hero for no good reason! All of it just felt... wrong." Microphone sighed, becoming visible again halfway through saying this, her gaze confined to the ground between the both of them.

"Oh all of it just felt wrong" Taco mocked, waving her arms around before continuing; "what have I told you about that!? We are getting paid! To hurt! To capture! This is our JOB. it's not supposed to FEEL wrong. It's supposed to BE wrong, and be done with secrecy, and with whatever means necessary!" She snapped, the taller object resigning a bit.

"I just--" Microphone sighed. "Fine. you're right. It's no use in arguing with you. We should've gone for it, but we didn't. It's my fault boohoo like always, we'll just get it next time." Microphone let out through gritted teeth.

Taco only sighed at this.

"Right. We WILL. get this next time. It's fine. They don't know what we're doing, so at least you didn't blow cover." Taco now composed herself, letting any rage that lingered subside, as she returned to a neutral expression.

And so they left the woods now. They had to plan a second attack.


Returning to base, Microphone felt a huge pit of despair looking at the machine their boss had installed. With all the construction and workers running around building it for the past week, everything just felt so loud all the time. Microphone hated this. All she really wanted now was some peace and quiet-- and well, with the construction being done, and the workers gone, Microphone figured she could've gotten it, but no. She was still getting an earful from Taco, who was rambling about alternative plans that Microphone really had no interest in, and fiddling with her damaged arm. Her thoughts were everywhere else but the room she was actually in. Until... Taco snapped her back to reality. A cold, metal hand holding hers suddenly brought her back, now seeing taco in front of her, an eyebrow raised.

"You... didn't hear any of that, did you." Taco asked. Mic only shook her head. Taco looked as if she really wanted to say something witty and rude, but she held her tongue this time.

"Sorry... I just spaced out. I guess I just... have a lot to think about." Mic squeezed Taco's hand gently, forgetting that Taco probably wouldn't feel it, seeing as it was the mechanical one.

Taco only sighed; "It's alright. I'll write what I have planned down and let you read it at your own time..." Taco let go of Microphones hand, and turned away now. Microphone just tilted her head, her now being the confused one.

"I'm... sorry, about... Being so cross with you in the woods..." Taco spoke slowly, trying to carefully pick out her words. "I shouldn't have mocked you, I just... got frustrated, because we could have done it there... But if you say it wasn't the right time, well... I suppose we'll think of something better to do next time... instead of just going right for it." She now turned to face Microphone again, her facial expression being a bit hard to read at the moment.

"I... Thanks. I appreciate the apology," Microphone smiled, not having anything else to say.

"Once I write out the plan, I would... definitely value from your input." Taco now smiled, before turning away, and walking off to retrieve a notebook to write in.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. [II SUPERHERO AU FIC]Where stories live. Discover now