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Fan waited patiently-- or well, he had tried to, as the rain kept pouring down, and the two still weren't returning. He paced around the room, before grabbing an umbrella, and heading back out, his curiosity, mixed with the fear that something had happened fuelling him to be brave enough to go out on his own-- he surely had the strength to protect himself now if anything were to happen, so he went out to look for the other two, making the huge mistake of leaving his phone for once...

And promptly getting lost.

"Oh great Fan you've done it again..." He spoke to himself, standing somewhere in the middle of the woods, still holding the umbrella close so as to not get rained on, even if the weather seemed to be calming down as he kept going.

"Golly I really hope I didn't just get lost... This is so embarrassing..." He groaned, and kept walking, until... he was at the outskirts of the city? How long had he been walking? With absolutely no trace of where the other two were? He was sure he followed where he saw Paintbrush going before he had to head back, but... Having reached the city certainly felt like he had gone the wrong way.

The rain seemed to clear up now, the only thing remaining of the storm's presence being the gray clouds blanketing the sky, and the light sprinkles.

Just before he was about to turn back into the woods, he noticed two objects heading closer, then into the woods, not noticing him... One of them was an object Fan swore he recognized from somewhere, and the other was--

"Oh jeez she's bringing reinforcements!?" Fan whispered to himself, hiding behind a tree as he watched Microphone and Knife walk into the woods, he assumed back towards the base. This was when he realized how dark it was outside, the storm clouds not helping, as he figured it was reaching evening. He moved to pull out his phone, before realizing he had left it back at the base... Meaning he had to deal with this on his own, and his bravery was quickly fleeting, but he had to do something. As he went to follow them, to try to stop them from going back to the base, he was grabbed by the arm, and roughly snapped shut so he couldn't see anything, his glasses clattering to the sidewalk.

He panicked, trying to get out a scream, but it was muffled by him being shut. He struggled, and punched around with his free arm, before a jolt of pain coursed through him, feeling as if he could no longer move, and now thrown into the back of a car by an unknown assailant. 

Today surely just wasn't going so well for him.


Testtube returned upstairs, figuring everyone had gone off, giving her time to make herself something to eat, still wanting to stay away from the others, just in case they didn't want her around. The first thing she noticed when she made it upstairs, was the door, and window open in Paintbrush's room, getting rain everywhere-- Jeez... were they really that forgetful to leave it open before leaving? She thought to herself as she went over to close it, checking for any water damage, before noticing... A crab?

It wasn't even in its enclosure, just... standing there on the bed that had been set up for Lightbulb, and it was... staring at her? Well, it was hard to tell.

"Ah, I guess you're Baxter?" She asked, immediately finding it silly she asked that to an animal she knew wouldn't have the capabilities of properly responding.

"Right... Well Lightbulb talks about you a lot-- So I just figured..." She stepped back out of the room, just letting the crab be now, as the second thing she noticed caught her attention.

Fan had left his phone. Which wouldn't be weird, maybe they were both in a hurry, but he never left his phone... But she just shrugged this off as him being forgetful... Surely it wouldn't be a problem.

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