The Kids Names

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When we were talking in my father's room we saw the door open and in walked Roberto Mendoza with his son, daughter, wife, his men and Eveline who was standing next to him. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I was pretty sure that the men that I had placed to keep Eveline safe were shocked as much as everybody else in the room. I then saw one of Roberto's man walk behind Eveline wrapping his hands around her, she then turned and kissed him in the cheek before pulling away and smiling at him causing me to get furious instantly.

"Get your hands off her" I said through his teeth

"Why do you want that Massimo, your father and I have made a deal and I just want to make sure that the deal is stil on" Roberto said

"What deal is it papa" Manuel asked

"Well he is to marry your sister" Roberto said

"WHAT" everybody said at the same time while looking at Roberto and then at my dad

"He will be marrying Rosa since we still haven't found your older sister" Robert answered

"I will not marry him papa" Rosa said

"Well your sister isn't here and we don't know where she is so you will have to take her place" Roberto said

"Sir if I may" Eveline said taking the guys hands away while walking up to him

"What is it Eveline" he asked

"Rosa is in love with Marcos and he is of her, besides I am sure your older daughter wouldn't want to marry him either" she said

"And how do you know that, you and JC have been looking for her as well as your parents and still haven't found anything on either person" he said with anger

"Well we actual found my birth family and we also found your daughter" she said looking him in his eyes

He got so mad that he took her by the throat and started to squeeze it, I then saw one of Roberto's men making his way towards them. He placed his hand over Roberto's hand and made him look at him, when I saw Roberto grab Eveline by the neck I started to make my way to get him to let her go but I was being held back.

"Sir, she is the only one who knows where your daughter is since she found her and if you want to find her I suggest you let her go" the guy said

Roberto let go of her and she fell to the ground holding her throat while taking deep breaths, she looked up at Roberto to see his wife, his son and daughter next to him looking at her.

"Where is she" Roberto asked

"She has been close to you, everybody in this room knows her and has talked to her" she said

"What are you talking about" Rosa asked

Eveline looked at Roberto's wife who was now in tears, pleading her to tell her where her daughter is.

"SPEAK DAMN IT" Roberto yelled making her jump

She looked towards the man who had helped her and who was looking at her, he must know something that we didn't.

"While I was looking for both your daughter and my birth family, I found both of them while we all attended the modeling show where Rosa was one of the models" Eveline said looking at Roberto's daughter

"Go on" Roberto said

"When she saw the birthmark on Rosa's shoulder she got up and walked away to the bathroom" she said

"You did the same thing" Roberto's son said

"What does that have to do with my daughter" Roberto's wife asked

Eveline looked at the man that had helped her and he walked to stand behind her helping her take her doctor coat off, she then looked at everybody before turning to showing everybody the birthmark on her shoulder.

"Who are you" Roberto asked

"My birth name is Evelinda Ortiz Mendoza, I'm your older daughter" she said looking at him

Roberto, his wife, daughter and son walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. While she was being hugged she looked towards me as she saw Nadika walk in and walk towards me and stood next to me taking my hand which I didn't realize since I was in shock that I had been married to the daughter of the cartel king. As they all let go they all turned to look towards everybody else and when Roberto saw that Nadika was holding my hand he got mad once again but I still wasn't registering what was going on next to me, my father must have saw Roberto mad and followed his eyes to see what Roberto was looking at and he also got mad.

"What is she doing here Massimo" my father asked which took me out of my shock state

I turned to look at what everybody was looking at and saw that Nadika was holding my hand as she stood next to me, I right away pulled my hand away from her and moved further away looking at her with anger.

"I told you to leave me alone years ago, why are you here and how did you know we were in this room" I asked

"Well you called and let me know baby" she said which got me even more mad

"I never called you, I don't want you and I never will want you. I made a mistake all those years ago and I will not make that mistake ever again, now get out of my father's room" I said

"I am going to go home, like I said before I will not marry him either" Eveline said as she walked away and started to walk out the room

"Say hello to your children for us" Nadika said

Eveline stopped in her tracks just in front of the guy that had helped her, before anybody could register what was going on she turned around so fast that we didn't see when she took the guys gun and pointed it at Nadika.

"You stay away from my children or I will put a bullet in your head myself" she said

"You don't even know how to use a gun" Nadika said

"Are you sure" Eveline asked her cocking the gun

"You don't scare me" Nadika said

"She is a better shooter than you I bet" Roberto said with a big smile on his face

He walked up to Eveline and took the gun away from her before handing it to one of his men, he then whispered something in her ear to which she nodded and started to walk backwards.

"Say hello to Eve and Maximiliano" Nadika said

"What did you say" I asked

"Well that is her kids name, Eve and Maximiliano" Nadika said

"Eveline" I said as I turned to look at her

She just kept walking away and out of the room, when I tried to go after her I was stopped by Roberto and all his men including his son. All I knew at that moment is why she named her kids that way, why didn't she want to talk to me. So many questions and so little answers, I turned to look at JV and right away he knew what I wanted him to do without saying anything. I had to find out everything about her children, I already knew that they were four years old and that she used the names that we had chosen for our children. Could she have known that she was pregnant before she got the pictures or after she had left me, I needed the answers to my questions like yesterday.

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