Saving Her

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When Eveline opened the door while grabbing one of her guns, we walked in and everybody went in different directions. I staid by her side as she followed the tracker on the our babies shoes, when we got to the door that indicated the tracker was were our babies were we could hear them crying while someone was yelling at them. She turned to see that I had an angry expression on my face and a gun in my hand, she placed her gun back in its place and placed her hand over mine while shacking her head so I would put the gun away. Once I did that, we stood up straight and opened the door to see Nadika behind our babies with guns to their heads.

"Well look who we have here, mommy and daddy teamed up to come and rescue their brats" Nadika said

"Nadika let them go, this whole place is surrounded" Eveline said

"No can do, he was supposed to be mine and when he was finally with me you found out about us and ruined everything" she said

"Nadika you were a mistake I made, I love Eveline. Always have and always will, you were nothing but a good lay" I said

"Mommy" Max said

We turned to look at him and were able to see that he was bleeding from his head, before I knew it Eveline charged at Nadika and soon heard a gun go off. When I saw her place her hand on her stomach I saw red but I could also see Eveline still walking towardswanted was our kids, she kept going towards them and at the moment that I saw Nadika getting ready to shoot her again I shot her making sure that Nadika went down and never get up. When Eveline got to our kids, she had one of her hands on her wound while the other reached out to our babies as she smiled at them. I walked and got behind her helping her put more pressure to the wound, we then saw Mendoza and his son walk in and take the twins away before she leaned her back so it was against my chest while I was holding her nut before I could pick her up and take her out of this house she closed her eyes.

I picked Eveline up and ran out of the house with her in my arms, I didn't want our children to lose their mother. They were still little and they still needed her, I needed her more then ever by my side. Once I made it outside my father informed me that the twins were taken by Mendoza and his son to be checked out at the hospital where we would be taking Eveline as well, I kept walking with Eveline in my arms until we got to the car and got in the back seat with her laying her head on my lap while I continued to put pressure on her wound.

"How is she doind" my father asked as he was driving

"She still hasn't woken up" I said my voice almost cracking at the end

"Stay strong Massimo, the twins and her need you to stay strong for them" my father said as he drove even faster

I looked down and saw Eveline opening her eyes, I was caressing her hair as she looked at me before she closed her eyes once more.

"Go faster dad she isn't going to make it if we don't get her to the hospital" I said

I kept putting pressure on her wound as I was looking at my father when I felt her hand on my cheek coating it with blood, I turned to look at her and when I went to place my hand over hers she closed her eyes and her hand fell to her chest. I tried to feel for her pulse but couldn't find it, she wasn't even breathing and I started to cry.

"She is not breathing dad, I can't feel any heart beat" I yelled at him

"Calm down you know what to do Massimo, just calm down and do CPR on her" he said

I laid her on the back seat and started doing CPR on her, I didn't want to lose her. With tears in my eyes I kept doing CPR until we got to the hospital and she was taken out of the car on to a hospital bed and rushed to the operating room, my father and Mendoza had to hold me back because I wanted to go in with her I didn't want to leave her alone. I wanted to make sure she was alright, I wanted to make sure she was going to survive.

I was pulled to a chair in the waiting room where I was told the twins were okay, Max had gotten some stitches but they belive that the cut was made during the car accident or when he was pulled out of the car fighting with the person who had grabbed him. When I asked who was with them I was told that my mother, my sister, Eveline's mother and sister were with them keeping them busy so they wouldn't ask about Evenline until we had some news on her. Nobody wanted to inform them that she had arrived without any vital signals and was rushed to the operating room, we wanted to make sure everything was fine before we either had to give them the good or bad news about Eveline.

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