Painter/Writer AU

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Liberal arts college wasn't exactly what Clarke had expected when she had signed up. She had been looking forward to sitting on those green grassy lawns and just sketching for hours and hours on end. Instead, she had ended up sitting there and just waiting whilst twiddling her thumbs for her teacher to tell her once again that nothing she had done was anywhere near good enough to suit. Art was the only thing that Clarke had ever been good enough at. Maybe it was just because she had been so occupied with portrait sketches of that girl in the quad whose name she didn't even know. She had no idea how she had started drawing this girl or why but, once she had started, she couldn't seem to stop. The image of her face, drawn in focus, lost in space, or even just simply being was seared into her mind.

Even after the failing mark on her most recent painting, Clarke found herself in the quad again, looking for the girl. Her face was the most fascinating thing she had ever attempted to draw. Every aspect of the girl was the single most fascinating thing that she could put from pen or pencil to paper. However, it seemed that she was running late.She had no idea of how to pull up the image in her mind to sketch an image of her without the mystery girl to look at. She was nearly completely incapable of sitting still until she saw the girl walking across the courtyard, looking just as fantastic as always. She was absent mindedly looking in some sort of journal, chewing on the eraser of the pencil in her hand. She somehow couldn't figure out how to stop fidgeting still yet, until Lexa looked up and finally made eye contact with her. In the five weeks she had been sketching the dark haired girl they had never had this kind of eye contact. She hadn't been able to muster up the courage to talk to her in that time either but somehow, possibly due to all of the eye contact, the mystery girl stood and for some reason began to walk towards her. Clarke somehow managed to get even more twitchy, not sure of how to react. Hurriedly, she slammed the sketchbook closed, and shoved the chewed on pencil behind her ear. That done, she smoothed out her shirt with her hands.

"Hey, I've caught you staring at me like twelve times in the past three weeks. May I help you with something?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've just been drawing a lot lately for my Portraits class, and I sort of started to borrow your face a lot." Clarke apologized, her face going blood red.

"You're an artist? Oh, my apologies, I am Lexa Woods." she introduced herself awkwardly. Casually, she took a seat next to Clarke. Clarke stuck her half grey hand out to her. "Clarke Griffin, sorry about the creepy stalker eyes." They shook and Clarke finally gave her one of her most disarming grins.

"I don't mind so much, now that I know what it was all about. May I see them?" Lexa asked.

"Only if you tell me what you've been so focused on, leaning against that tree everyday." Clarke responds with a much softer grin.

"I'm a writer. Usually I'm working on one assignment or another, sometimes my own book." Lexa admits looking a little ashamed of herself.

"Romance?" Clarke asks, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Something kind of like that?" Lexa teases back. "Do I get to see those drawings now?"

Clarke nervously fidgets with the notebook chewing on the end of the pencil again. "I've actually I've- never really shown anyone outside of classes." she said, her cheeks going pink.

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