Post-apocalyptic HSAU

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 After they had gotten married, Clarke had been getting to go along to a lot of Lexa's different meetings so that the Sky people could start to have a say in the government and the way that things were run. It all became a giant sharing of ideas, but there was only one thing that Clarke herself had insisted on. She wanted the children, and the future children of their people to be set for life ahead. When Clarke had nervously suggested this at one such council meeting, she had been terrified. She had stopped being quite so afraid once Lexa, so much less the Commander when faced by her wife, had started to smile so hard that it looked like she might accidentally break her own face.

"I do care too, you know." Clarke had grumbled.

"I know that I was just so happy to see you working together with my people. Our people. We are one people now and it's good to see us finally acting like it. A school is just what we need. Children will bring us all together." Lexa muses aloud, pacing across their bedroom as she talks.

"You forget that when it comes to the first landing part of the Sky People, we are almost all children. Some of them still might be a bit biased." Clarke forewarns.

"It is nothing that we can't all deal together." Lexa grins and jumps up with a smile.

"Who will teach at the school?" Clarke asks, wanting to have answers ready before she faces the planning committee the next morning.

"I was thinking that you would be perfect for the job, along with one of my leaders for the physical part of their education. You are one of the smartest people that I know. For the harder parts, two of your adults can hold lessons, your mother for instance, or that angry man who follows her around Lexa suggests as Clarke gets a pen and paper to make notes.

"That's good." Clarke matters. "We'll need a place to do this, somewhere neutral so as not to make anyone uncomfortable. We'll need extra paper and/or slates and/or pens, and maybe a translator too. Someone that we can trust."

"Indra will make a fine instructor. Ocktavia has been needing more responsibilities within my forces anyways, and Indra has been getting tired." Lexa says thoughtfully, enjoying coming up with ideas with Clarke. She really was becoming a large part of the Commander's life and they made a perfect team. She comes around to the other side of the table and kisses Clarke, easily distracting her.

"My wife." she murmurs and Clarke just goes along with it, no idea what is going on anymore.

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