Wake Me Up

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 words: 1276

Lexa had been seriously grumpy every day for the past week. Well, to be honest, she was usually grumpy, she was just grumpier than she was normally. Someone new had just moved in next door and was ridiculously loud almost every single night, It was driving the young woman absolutely nuts. SHe had heard that the new girl was an intern at a hospital.nearby and that that might be the reason for the very late nights or the very early mornings. Despite how she found herself keeping the very young doctor's hours as well, Lexa couldn't help but to also appreciate the woman's obvious dedication. Maybe that was why, when her new neighbor was making what sounded like crying noises directly outside of Lexa's apartment, Lexa went out to check on her.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...are you alright?" she asks when she finds her neighbor having sunk to the floor and sobbing into her hands. "What happened?"

"DId I wake you up? I'm so...I'm -hic- so sorry." she apologizes.

"It's all okay. I was awake anyways." Lexa lies. "Come on inside, let's get you all cleaned up." she pulls the young doctor up by the arm and leads her into the apartment.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Lexa asks, having never found that out herself.

"Clarke...Griffin. Dr. Clarke Griffin. Clarke Griffin, MD." she says over and over again.

"Alright...Dr. Griffin. Do you want to tell me why you've been crying your eyeballs out, at .... four in the morning?" Lexa groans, wanting to cry as well herself, out of sheer exhaustion.

"I got just a little bit attached to one of my patients...just a little bit. It was completely on accident, but she was just so sweet and it was kind of impossible not to." Clarke cries a little bit more, while Lexa puts on some coffee for herself and soothing chamomile tea for the crying blonde. "She died on my operating table an hour ago. She was only six years old."

The young intern seems to be pulling herself together a little bit at this point, leaving Lea sighing with relief as the coffee hits her bloodstream.

"Was it your fault?" Lexa asks.

"No, of course not. I'm barely allowed to just stand there and watch, much less to touch a patient." Clarke looks startled that her host would ask such a thing.

"Did you do everything that you possibly could to help. to the best of your ability, giving it everything that you had?" Lexa asks.

"Yeah, yeah I did." Clarke nods firmly, still sniffling a little bit.

"Then you did well, and you have nothing to cry about. Find something in all of this that you can learn from and do even better the next time." Lexa recommends "Now, I have to go to work in thirty minutes or so, so just settle in anywhere and leave whenever you feel ready to." Lexa says, leading a sleepy-tired looking Clarke over to the couch where she is pretty sure that the younger woman is going to fall asleep at any given moment. She had already had an obviously already pretty rough day (night?) and Lexa knew that she really did need a good and long break.

Clarke Griffin had really and truly ruined Lexa's day by showing up at her apartment. She couldn't seem to go an entire minute without wondering about whether or not she was okay. Lexa had no idea either, about why she suddenly cared so much about someone who was really just a stranger to her. Maybe it had been the sadness in Clarke's eyes or the pain that she had been feeling before she had been reassured that she had done nothing at all wrong, when she had felt as though she should have been able to do something more to help. She really liked the way that the good doctor Griffin was able to care without needing to know much. Maybe, then, she was just starting to like Clarke Griffin, that's what she was thinking as she packed up to go home.

She hesitated a little bit at her door, a paper bag of bagels, and cream cheeses and honeys in her hand. Lexa wasn't entirely sure whether or not she wanted Clarke to be there, still lying on her couch or not. She shoved her nerves down, began to grit her teeth, and entered her little home. The water was running in her shower and she was quite sure that had definitely not left it on. She smiled a little bit to herself, gathered up some plates, and set out the snacks for both herself and Dr. Clarke Griffin.

The water cut off and Clarke stepped out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel. Her hair, still wet, was tied up in a knot on her head. Lexa felt her heart jump up and into her throat and a little bit of something else drop down and farther into her.

"Hey there...Dr. Griffin. Did you have a nice shower?" she asks awkwardly.

"Uhm, yeah. Thanks." she replies, equally awkwardly.

"I brought us breakfast. Every kind of bagel, jam, cream cheese, and honey that you could possible want. I didn't know what you liked." Lexa announces.

"Oh, wow. You didn't have to do that. I've got to go to the hospital and work in a couple of hours." Clarke says, obviously rather touched. She immediately plopped down onto one of the stools at the little kitchen island and spread cream cheese over one of the chocolate chip bagels.

"I thought that they would be a nice treat, just in case you were still here." Lexa says with a shrug, trying to appear uncaring that the younger woman was literally eating breakfast with her wearing nothing, naked but for a towel.

"I'll run, grab some clothes and come and grab another one, if that's alright.?" Clarke asks.

"Yeah, definitely." Lexa says with a nod as Clarke struggles to keep her towel up while eating at the same time

"Be right back." she says as well, kissing Lexa on the cheek as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Lexa's breath caught inside of her chest, having not expected that at all.

She tried very hard to shake off the fog in her mind and the intense racing of her heart, but still by the time that Clarke was back, she could feel her pulse in her face. The bundle flopped back onto her stool in a clean pair of bright blue scrubs that very much made equally bright blue eyes pop out across the room, almost scaring Lexa. She wasn't sure why but she just kept staring. Clarke's intelligent blue eyes had captivated her.

"Have a good day at work, Clarke." she said sheepishly.

"Thank you, Lexa, for everything." Clarke says as well, her soft smile wearing that she means it.

"Hey, I'll be here when you get..." Lexa says, but gets cut off when Clarke steps into her, one arm around her Lexa's waist, locking her in, and the other one in Lexa's hair, pulling her in closer. Their lips met and Lexa's melted easily under Clarke's immediately and totally taken in.

"You can bet that I will wake you up." Clarke says with a grin, having already been completely aware that she woke up her gorgeous neighbor every single morning, though totally on accident.

"I think that this time I might be looking forward to it." Lexa remplies with a shrug, pulling Clarke back in and kissing her again, cupping her cheek with one hand, softly.

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