Sick Fic

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 "Uh-uh, no way, Lexa. There isn't anything that you can say to me right now to convince me to let you go out on patrol today. I'm sure that Octavia and Indra have it all under control." Clarke informs a snotty nosed Lexa as she tried to put on her armor without sneezing into it.

"I am the Commander, I don't get to take sick days." she protests.

"I am both your wife and your doctor, which means that you have to do as I say, my love." Clarke raises her eyebrows at Lexa in her no nonsense manner.

"Yes, ma'am!" Lexa answers her in simultaneous surprise and amusement.

"And wouldn't you rather stay at home with your loving wife anyways?" Clarke asks directly into the Commander's ear as she starts to help Lexa out of her armor.

"Well...yes." Lexa answers, unsure of how to react anymore. She wraps her arms around Clarke's neck behind her and leans back, dressed in only her breast band and underwear now. Clarke kissed the base of her next, Lexa's skin burning against her lips and wraps her arms around her waist, holding her tight.

"You're my wife and when it's just the two of us here, it's my job to take care of you." Clarke reminds her, one hand sliding down Lexa's waist to relieve her of her underwear as well.

Lexa turns around in Clarke's embrace and presses her lips to Clarke's, finally getting the hint Clarke falls back against the bed, allowing Lexa to straddle her as she pulls her own shirt off and over her head. The Commander pulls in closer and smiles as Clarke's hands reach around to loosen Lexa's braids, something that the healer and artist was the only one who had any right to do.

Clarke grins back at her and, using one arm around Lexa's waist, flips them over onto the bed so that she was sitting over Lexa's bare waist. The Commander laughed aloud at that, dissolving into fits of giggles.

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