Collecting Smiles

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    Clarke had grown in love with Lexa ever since their first date less than six months beforehand. She could not identify a single moment when it happened but at some point, Lexa had become a central part of her world. Clarke was shocked by how much she had come to need her. Lexa's rare smiles had come to mean the world to her. Clarke especially treasured those she knew she had brought to Lexa's face herself.

On her way home she picked up a box of Lexa's favorite chocolates and a bouquet of flowers in the hopes of being gifted another and dropped them off with Raven at the apartment they shared. Clarke thought to herself and wished she could hold on to those smiles every time she saw one. As though somehow she could grab hold and hide it in her pocket. Clarke had to wonder if Lexa ever felt the same way. She honestly had no idea.

"Hey babe, a little bird told me you would be getting out right about now." Clarke said as Lexa came towards her car where Clarke leaned, seeming completely relaxed despite her racing heartbeat.

"Was that bird's name Lincoln by any chance?" Lexa suggested, one of her half-smirks creeping up the side of her mouth.

Clarke was something of a fan of these as well. They were more common than Lexa's true smiles, and before they had gotten together had driven her insane. Clarke could detect the amusement and snark that drove them, but there was a hint of dishonesty that drove it. This was not the smile Clarke was looking for, but she wasn't done yet.

"It might have been, but you know I'll never tell." Clarke teased. "Your classes are over for the day, right? Come home with me?"

There was something soft and vulnerable in Clarke's eyes that told Lexa she would regret it if she said no. She had come to love the other woman and was amazed by the way those blue eyes had an odd skill to warm her heart. Lexa took Clarke's hand and followed with a soft kiss on the blonde's cheek. She had come to adore Clarke in a way she didn't know she was capable of. Clarke had really done a number on her.

Lexa didn't know what to expect when Clarke opened the door to the apartment. For once none of her roommates were in. The coffee table that usually occupied most of the living room floor space had been cleared away and replaced with a blanket, a vase of flowers and a tray of cheese, crackers, and olives.

"We've both been working so hard and had such long hours lately, it feels like forever since I've seen you, and even longer since I've seen you smile, Lexa." Clarke said, offering up a soft smile. It brought a quirk of a smile to Lexa's lips as well.

"Is this all for me? When did you have time to set this up?" Lexa asked still looking quite astonished at the spread as Clarke led Lexa to sit at the big fluffy blanket.

"I can't take all of the credit, I guess. I recruited Raven to do the set up while I picked up the chocolates and flowers. It was all my idea, though." Clarke said in her most charming tone of voice. "I was very specific about how I wanted this all to look."

"How very sweet of you, love." Lexa took a cracker and cheese to munch on as she leaned back against a pile of pillows. She smiled back at Clarke and the blonde felt that need to keep those smiles and treasure them.

Acting purely on instinct, Clarke surged forward and kissed the smile just as it began to form.

"What was that for?" Lexa asked when Clarke finally released her, confusion passing across her face.

"Ah, no particular reason. I just love you a lot, is all." Clarke seemed very pleased with herself and Lexa wasn't completely certain why but decided to sit back and enjoy it nonetheless.

"I love you too, Clarke Griffin." Lexa says sincerely, green eyes glittering. "I didn't forget a date or anniversary we had planned did I?"

"No, no, I had just noticed how stressed you were and we were both getting and how we hadn't had any alone time as of late. I figured this was something we had earned." Clarke shrugged it off.

"You're too good to me." Lexa said, still getting comfortable in her pillow pile and drew Clarke into her side as she enjoyed the selection of snacks they had available.

"I could never be too good to you. You deserve all of the good." Clarke settles comfortably into Lexa's side as the other woman started to laugh in earnest.

"You would say that." Lexa continued to chuckle. She startled when Clarke leaned in to kiss her long and softly again. This time she responded with a hand to hold Clarke's cheek and enjoyed the moment. "You know, I still have no clue what is going on, but I'm going to let it go." Lexa shrugged, grinned and allowed Clarke to push her down to kiss again, chocolates and snacks forgotten.

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