I Could Never Hate You

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 The Ice Nation was on the attack and the alliance felt as though they had all been fighting for days on end. Clarke's sword was so heavy in her hands, and her handgun had run out of bullets long ago. Lexa fought at her side on her right, Bellamy and Octavia Blake on her left. Fallen Ice Nation warriors littered the ground around them. In the past few hours that they had been fighting, they had all saved one another's lives so many times that they no longer knew who owed whom their lives. Every single one of the Trigedasleng and the Sky People were covered in mud and blood. The fighting had broken out at a little after daybreak, and even as Clarke brought down man after woman after man, the sun began to set and even the sun seemed to be blood tinged. Never once during the battles had Lexa left Clarke's side. Repairing the alliance after the Heda's betrayal had been more than tough for the both of them, but a strong working, professional relationship had pulled through the wreckage. Still, Clarke often caught guilt-ridden eyes watching her from across the command tent. Lexa's feelings had gone nowhere.

Her arms felt like lead and it was seriously messing with the exhausted blonde's reaction times.She brought up her weapon to block a downward slash from an Ice Nation man with dead eyes, but was much too late and her sword was dashed from her hands, leaving her with only her dagger and an empty pistol. She scrambled at her belt for the dagger and barely ducked away from the sword flying at her...no, now he was aiming for Lexa, assuming that Clarke was as good as dead already. Then again, she was virtually useless as a weaponless fighter on the battlefield.

Lexa on the other hand, was just as graceful, powerful, and terrible a fighter as usual. CLarke knew as well that shw would get in the way and get someone killed if she didn't do something or distract them. She heard Octavia scream "HEDA!!!" at the top of her lungs and saw the onslaught that Lexa was under, having to deal with the runoff from Clarke's inability to fight to her full extent. The healer brandished her dagger and charged, slamming the weapon into the first man's side, just as he elbowed her nose, nearly knocking her amongst the body covered ground. Still, she pressed on , slitting another's throat just as she turned, the sword piercing Clarke's side, two or more inches deep into her side or more. She registered no pain, and only remained conscious long enough to compute that that was not a good thing.


"Blake, get her out of here! I'll cover you and your brother." the Heda ordered, slicing down all who decided to approach the Commander and the woman she had claimed as her own.

Bellamy dropped to lift Clarke as Octavia guarded them and Alexa out down everyone who came near. Octavia couldn't help but notice the desperation on the Heda's face when she called out instructions. Clearly she had feelings for Clarke, but the new Grounder had no idea if the former artist returned them. However, all who came near could feel the tension between them. The question of the hour was would Clarke live long enough to discover what kind of tension it was.

As soon as the four were in the clear, Bellamy ran back to the battle with a worried look at Clarke and then the ferocious look of someone who didn't know if someone they cared for would live or die. His sister ran for Abby, Clarke's mother and a doctor. Lexa stood, looking truly broken, at Clarke's head, wiping blood from her face and tucking hair behind her ears.

"Don't you dare die on me, Klark kom Skaikru. I have yet to pay my debt back to you. You cannot go until I have completely expressed my regret." Lexa rambled in an odd combination of her own language and English. Octavia returned with a pale and terrified Abby, behind them hobbled on also stricken looking Raven Reyes.

"Save her healer, please."

"I'm her mother. Of course I'm going to save her." Abby practically growls as she cuts off the remnants of Clarke's shirt. Lexa never moves and consistently maintains a grip on the blonde's hand, terrified of missing anything.

"Shouldn't you return to the battle, Commander?" Raven asks.

"Octavia is strong enough to maintain my position with Indra at her side. Go, with my blessing." Lexa turns to Octavia, kisses three fingers, and presses them to her forehead, then Octavia's. The warrior girl taps her heart with a fist, then ran to the battle as her Heda had bid.

"Tell me truthfully, can she make it?" Lexa asks, looking to Abby like much less the warrior queen and more like a terrified teenage girlfriend. Emphasis on the teenage part.

"She's losing so much blood. It's so hard to say. Raven, pass me my forceps and get the dagger out of the brazier. Lexa, hold her down and don't let her up no matter how much she screams." Abby instructs. Lexa can't help but wonder if this is how Clarke seems when she works as a medic, her strong and calloused hands wrapping around Clarke's bare shoulders. Inside she marveled at the softness of the skin and begged for those closed eyes to open.

Raven hands Abby a dagger that had been heated to red hot in a fire carefully, then heads to Clarke's legs to hold them down as well. Lexa begs into Clarke's ear for her to wake up in English, Trigedasleng, and every other language she knows.

"Please just wake up and look at me." She whispers as the flat of the dagger meets the ugly gaping wound. Clarke's entire body bucks up in protest of the pain and she screams from the center of her entire being. The sound carries so much pain, rage, and hurt that it physically causes the Commander enough pain that she retched to hear of it. Abby only holds the dagger there for two counts, but Raven and Lexa have to hold Clarke down for another three afterwards.

Finally Clarke's body falls limp and Laura picks up her head again only to have her tight squeeze returned.

"Clarke, are you awake?" Lexa whispers as Abby continues her work with Raven's help.

"Water." Clarke groans in an incredibly hoarse voice.

"I'll get it." Raven says, wanting to get out of the room, heavy with Lexa's adoring heart eyes, and Abby's nervous tension.

" I had feared that you might have come to hate me." Lexa holds one of Clarke's hands in both of her own.

"I wanted to hate you. Wanted to so badly. I tried to. Never stuck." Clarke explains, her voice raspy from her screams. Raven hobbles back, armed with a cup of water, though Lexa had instinctively noticed that the crippled genius's gun in the back of her waistband when she had left. She accepts it gratefully and raises it to Clarke's lips.

"You did what you had to do to survive. For you and for your people. Down here, we all are going to have to learn how to do that. We have to learn to separate who we actually are, and who we are going to have to be to make it. You should be out there with the rest of the alliance." Clarke mumbles through the haze of pain and exhaustion.

"My head's place is out there, but remember that my heart is with you." Lexa affirms to her. It pained her to know that she wouldn't be with Clarke for the beginning of her recovery. However, she knew her people needed her.

"Come here for a second." Clarke tells her with a crook of a finger. Lexa leans down to Clarke's level obediently.

"Just be sure that you come back to me." She curls one shaking hand around the back of Lexa's neck and pulls herself up enough to kiss her solidly for a whole second with soft and chapped lips.

"May we meet again."

"May we meet again." Lexa replies, feeling like she could take the entire Ice Nation on by herself if it were for Clarke. 

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