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I decided to snoop around, but I found nothing but piles and piles of books, journals and maps.

That's when I went back to Skye's desk, there was only a single drawer. I tugged on it and it opened easily. There was just another book, but there was something different about this one. There was no physical difference, it was more of just a feeling.

I pulled it out of the desk, set it in my lap and wiped away the dust and cobwebs. The script in this book looked like the markings on my wrist... I opened the book, and there I saw the same markings in a sketch, the same rings and symbols were drawn on a wrist.

The next page had the same script but large and bold, surrounded by two circles. Smaller sketches of slaughtered dragons, and even people were drawn around it. Ships and villages were shown being set on fire.

What am I...?

"What are you doing?" I heard a man from behind me. I shut the book and hid it behind my back.

"Nothing." I said quickly, as two other men walked into the room.

"The captain doesn't like people going through his stuff." One of them said sharply. 

"I wasn't I-" The first man who had caught me in the act came forward and struck my face. I put my hand up to my cheek and raised my head.

I threw my own punch. My fist collided with his jaw, and he fell down just before the other two men rushed me, screaming curses. I was beaten to the floor and they kicked and they kicked and they kicked. My whole body tensed and curled into a ball in defense. I fought the nausea and tears as hard as I could.

    "Men! This is not how we treat our guests." Skye shouted, as he came back through the door. His crew jumped at his sharp tone.

"Yes sir! Sorry sir!" and the two of them scrambled out the door.

"Apologies, M'lady."  He said brushing  his messy curls away from his eyes. He offered a hand to help me up, I stared at it for a moment. "I'm no dragon Miss Bjalla, I won't bite."

I pushed myself to my feet, "No? But I sure as Odin will." I seethed. He seemed unthreatened.

"Are you sure? I don't see a killer in your eyes." Skye said smugly. I pushed my aching body off the floor and stood on my own. When I gave him nothing but a glare he changed the subject, "Would you like something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry."  I lied, as my stomach growled and gargled in pain.

"I'll let you see your little dragon friend." This caught my attention, he laughed a bit and walked past me to the door. Skye dug in his trouser pockets for a moment and pulled out a silver key. "Gronkal metal." He said proudly, inserting the key and clicking the door open.

He held it open for me, I was reluctant but walked out. Whispers and stares came from the crew as Skye placed a large hand on the small of my back.

"This way, love." he said, guiding me to the center of the boat where a staircase led below deck.

There was one large wooden table at the front and cages full of dragons at the end. I immediately ran to the cages, Jasper didn't stop me. I found Loki in the very last cell, he was laying down with his head hidden beneath his wing.

"Loki!" I called to him quietly, Loki's head perked up when he heard me. He got up and put his head against the bars, bellowing in a sad tone. "It's going to be ok, boy. I promise." I whispered, petting his snout through the bars.

"She's magnificent." Skye said, approaching from behind me.

"I know, and Loki is a he." He ignored my correction and put his hand out, trying to touch the dragon. Loki growled, and snapped at Skye's hand which caused him to violently pull back and laugh. "Loki, hey. You're ok boy." I tried to calm him down by giving him his favorite neck rubs. "Are you an idiot?" I snapped, whipping around to the man.

"What's on your wrist?" Skye immediately changed the topic.

"What?" Then I realized. One of the crew men tore the glove away when I tried to fight him. I put my hands in my pockets. "Oh, it's just a tattoo. Nothing special."

"You are a terrible liar." Skye laughed, grabbing my arm. Loki roared at him, but the man was unphased. He pushed my sleeve up, but before he could get a good look the boat rocked aggressively and we stumbled.

"We're under attack by dragon riders, captain!" a man yelled from the stairway.


I smiled at him, "I told you they'd come."  Skye straightened and opened Loki's cage, shoving me inside. "Hey!" I shouted, stumbling onto the wooden floor when an explosion above made contact with the ship.

"Stay here." Skye teased and locked the cage behind me. I pushed myself and tried to reach for him through the bars but he had already run off.

"Loki, we're going to have to break through the bulkheads before the ship sinks." I pointed out quickly. The dragon knew what to do and started to attack the bulkhead of the boat.  We stumbled a few times when the ship was blasted, but we eventually made solid progress.

Ocean water sloshed in through the whole, I found my fathers sword strapped to Loki's saddle and grabbed it. I helped him break through until there was enough room, but the ocean filled the room too quickly.

"LOKI!" I shouted as a ball of fire struck right next to our escape route. Pieces of ash floated in the water as my head went under, I held my breath and felt my tunic be pulled by a pair of claws.

Loki barely managed to get us to the surface, I gasped for air as Loki roared. I waved my arms when I saw Evana flying away with the rest of the riders.

    "EVANA!" I screamed. "VINCE!"  they were too far away now. I fought my exhaustion and held onto Loki. They were unable to take out all the ships, Barosvik was far too outnumbered.

Loki couldn't fight his exhaustion anymore and sank below frozen waters, dragging me with him.

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