Unplanned. MSP #1A

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Soo pregnancy again let's goo abortion will be talked about heavily also killing of a newborn so heads up

This WILL be a part one of most likely three parts but I'm hoping to keep it under two.

Ok, btw I guess this is the best place to put it but it's cannon cannon aka all of the stories that I write Flags can change their gender at will due to being.. Well.. Flags.. Because flags for me have no set gender and they all choose what they personally want to be. (Feel free to ask me questions if u are confused about this)

The ending will be solved with coin flip and random number generator and I'll post proof that I did as I said.

America walked out of the bathroom panicked.. the pregnancy test read positive.. He thought it couldn't have been true.. but after doing seven different tests two from the same brand.. they all read positive.. He was panicking, pacing back and forth.. Should he tell him? What went wrong? They took every precaution! Should he tell Soviet..? How would he react?! Neither of them has had a kid before! They have only barely been able to hide the fact that they're even together from their governments and people!!

.......This is his child two.. he deserves to know and have a choice in the matter.. America thought, trying not to vomit. As he paced he then thought or you could just abort them without telling him.. and as soon as that thought crossed his mind he panicked more. What if Soviet left him over this?! What if he finds out you aborted and leaves!? What if he wants the kid?! He stopped, breathed, and made a decision after an hour.. he has to tell Soviet.

America walked over to the landline to dial in Soviet's number. "Hello, this is the Soviet Union how can I help you?" America took a shaky breath in, "We need to have a meeting NOW it's VITALLY IMPORTANT!" Soviet was confused, "America? That is you right I'm getting some feedback on my end winter and all. Also what's so important do we need to have a summit meeting or is this a... personal meeting?" America basically screamed into the phone, "GET TO MY HOUSE NOW!" And with that America hung up leaving Soviet just as confused as he was before.

After a bit America heard a knock at his door, "Come in Soviet." Soviet opened the door to see America crying on the couch. "America what's wrong?!" Soviet said in a panic once he noticed his lover state America held up the test to him and Soviet took it confused.... he wasn't after he looked... "You're pregnant.." Silence fell upon them.. the only noise you could hear would be every once in a couple of seconds America hiccuped from trying to stop crying.

Soviet's mind was running through some of the same questions America's did.. What went wrong? They took every precaution! Neither of them has had a kid before! They have only barely been able to hide the fact that they're even together from their governments and people!! What does America want to do with the kid?! Would the kid even be safe being alive?! Would they be safe with the kid being alive?! Abortion?! What if America leaves him after this due to all the stress!? "Please! Don't leave me!" America managed to get out between hiccuped and shaky breaths Soviet ran over to his lover and scooped him up into his arms, "I'm not going to leave you." He said kissing his lover's forehead.

"But we do need to figure out what we're going to do." America nodded at his lover's statement they did need to figure out what options they have and the consequences of each and every one of those options. "Well I can see like 3 main options depending on how this plays out," America said waving his hand in a bit of a circular movement, "We can do the one we both were thinking which is Abort the consequences of this one are low for both of us... Just a bit of perennial guilt. I could carry to term but there are three outcomes from that and those are in order of least bad to the worst outcome." Soviet nodded and America took a long breath,

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