Nathan or Canada? How about both?

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This story was supposed to go in a completely different direction.
Nathan laid on his bed as he heard his phone going off.. he just didn't answer he didn't.. have the energy to move. Stuck staring at the mirror in his room. He hated how he looked right now. He forced a smile but it faded in seconds he couldn't do it nobody around to try and hide from. Well except himself but he's been trying to do that for centuries.. and so far it sadly hasn't worked. But everyone knows the rules of the game, fake it till you die! ....Why can't death come sooner? He heard his phone go off again... why can they just leave him alone!? Why.. nobody should like him anyway.. Well nobody likes HIM they like the cute, shy, agreeable, polite Canada. He sighed as he kept staring at the mirror knowing that reflection wasn't him. He wasn't even wearing clothes he felt comfortable in!

But he didn’t have enough energy to change... he's still even got his boots on. Why was he so lazy?! He hateded the color red... his favorite color was a soft pastel blue! Then he heard a knock on his door. He flung himself out of his bed then flipped on the light only to realise he'd been crying. He sighed, wiped his face, new grabbed the contacts, switched out the old, and covered up any indication he'd been crying. Canada smiled, grabbed his phone, then went downstairs even though Nathan really really didn't want to.

Canada opened the door slowly. "Hello?" He said in his meek kind tone looking to see who it was. "Hay Canada!" North Korea said and behind him the others he normally traveled around with. "Oh Hello! How are you?" Canada ask as Nathan personally started to zone out and enter auto pilot mode. He'd probably not remember any of this considering he hardly remembers half his life. "We tried to call you but you didn't answer." Cambodia said kina leaning onto Russia who looked like he was about to shove them off of him.

"Oh sorry, I must not of heard it. I was doing some house cleaning, you know got to keep thing clean. Don't want unwanted dust bunnies. Anyway whats going on?" They all looked between each-other. "Well we where kinda hopping you play designated driver as we all go bar hopping?" Finland said who is normally not in the group so that dragged Nathan out of auto pilot causing him to shake his head and now he was a bit dazed. "Sorry what did you say?" Nathan asked hopping they don't catch on. "Is that a no?" Finland asked and Nathan brought up his hand and shook them. "NO NO NO I just um didn't catch what you said could you repeat it?"

All of them looked a bit surprised at how loud 'Canada' got but Finland shrugged. "Could you be our designated babysitter for bar hopping?" Nathan's draw dropped as he kinda never expected that exact string of words to come out of Finland's mouth but on the other hand it made perfect sense.. or he was pretty sure it did.. as he was having a hard time even recognizing anyone well because well auto pilot kinda runs his life.

"Uh yeah sure why the......" Nathan stopped when he realized they were all staring at him.. Fuck was there that clear of a difference between him and Canada?! Finland chuckled. "Told you fucking idiots he had a personality." Nathan kinda blinked, "What?" Russia kinda looked down at Finland, "Ok now stop being freaky mister 'I can read anyone like an open book.' Seriously its getting annoying." Finland just shrugged at that and looked back at Canadian. "You know what I'll be designated driver and you can get drunk Canada."

Nathan smiled ah fuck auto pilot he can get black out drunk! "Fuck yeah and Don't tell America!" Nathan said as he grabbed his jacket. "Also could you guys do me a favor?" Nathan asked as they looked over to him. "Yeah whats up?" Vietnam asked and Nathan smiled. "Do you guys mind if I change?" They nodded and he smiled as he ran upstairs and got out of the stupid flannel everything and changed into something he more preference.

A gray black leather jacket over a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He liked everything else and then came downstairs and opened the door Russia was the first to react. "Whats a hells angel?" He asked as Nathan saw Finland just look surprised then start laughing. "OK NOW I NEED TO SEE YOUR RIDE!" Finland said as he was hopping a bit. "Oh you like bikes to?" Finland nodded happily. "I got quite a few!"

And those two basically talked about motorcycles and biker gangs the whole time that Nathan was sober. After he was no longer sober depression hit and they all took care of each-other till the next day:) where questions where flying Nathan got to actually meet Ukraine and Ukraine got to meet the un-auto pilot Canadian. Ah as wild as the rest of the Americas, all such a rowdy bunch. Cute in all there own little ways.

After all of this though Nathan had several panic attacks over being a stupid idiot because there's no way they'd like him now and they'd probably all abandon him now OR worse hold this over his head! ...nope.. they kinda just adopted the new Canadian and the mask version. And now Nathan is the off work Canada. And if those Fuckers had there way Nathan would be the on work Canada to:).

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