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The sirens blared and screamed as the heat raised. "Temperature climbing!" One of the operators yelled out as Soviet scrambled to help figure out what was going on. This was just supposed to be a routine safety test to see how much power the generator could produce! The power climbed and the radiation spiked Nonono! "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE THE CORE ISN'T SHUTTING DOWN!" Soviet heard but couldn't respond as the sirens now sounded like a blaring melody of their impending deaths.

The spark.. no one would make it but him as he stood there before Reactor Four Critical Melt down. The sirens slowed down to him, hell, everything slowed down to him. As the fire hit his skin and the radiation consumed everything the world faded out.... black.. hot.. He'd soon open his eyes.. he woke up.. how? The room was gray and white static and beeping as an ear piercing "HE'S AWAKE!" Broke through the noise.. but he returned to the black not long after. Again he'd awake.. to the same things this time he managed to stay.

Something.. someone? Was trying to talk to him..? Was it.. so.. hard.. to breathe? Awake.. stay.. don't.. eyes.. Soviet couldn't think his body couldn't move, his eyes couldn't stay open. After three more times of this happening he managed to stay awake and speak. "Breath." He said as his body was now freaking out over the thing in his throat that was causing him to choke. The doctors on call managed to restrain him and get the breathing tube out as Soviet thrashed and gasped for air.

Where was he and who the hell were the people around him. He couldn't hear or see straight, his words slurred as he was panicking under the medication. As Flags need higher dosage levels to keep them sedated as one of them grabbed the mask. Soviet managed to force himself out of the grip of the other doctors and nurses. Stumbling onto his feet he fell. His body was weak and his mind in a state of dissolution panic.

The Soviet Union became the largest threat to their lives. More the the radiation that was on him when he was brought in over 31 years ago. The next thing they knew a large White, Blue, and Red bleer passed around them and forcefully restrained Soviet. "Calm down dad!" It said as it pinned Soviet to the bed as the humans could now comprehend it was Russia who had pind the panicking Union.

Soviet still dazed didn't recognize who it was nor what they were saying. Yet the colors, size, and strength he could only think of one person. "AMERICA!" he shouted as he tried to fight back, unable too. The moment Russia heard that he put more force onto his father to keep him pind. "NO NOT AMERICA! RUSSIA PAPA RUSSIA!" He said back in a desperate plea.

Soviet's eyes widened; he still couldn't see or hear well but that shouting broke through the noise. "Russia?" Soviet said in near disbelief Russia smiled and gently lessened his grip and moved himself and his father into a hug. "Yes papa Russia." He said as he ran his hand through his father's hair he said this close enough to Soviet's ear that he could make it out. "Russia." Soviet said still in disbelief as he hugged his son and the moment Russia felt this he started sobbing.

Soviet, while being calmed by Russia, was able to have his IV reinserted back into his arm. As Russia gently placed the mask back onto his father's face. "Papa I know you're confused but you're in the hospital ok." Russia said leaning over to basically say it into Soviet's ear as he noticed he couldn't hear well which should have been foreseeable.

Soviet nodded. "Hospital." He said in a very odd way since he couldn't hear how he was really sounding. Russia stood up and let the people who knew what they were doing, do what they do. Soviet did as well watching the humans do what they do even if it was blurry. Eventually Sovet got glasses and hearing aids. "Hey dad." Russia said in a normal voice at a normal distance.

"Russia! Oh I can see and hear you!" Soviet said, smiling as he reached out happily to hug him. Russia chuckled and embraced his father. "I'm glad you can hear and see now papa." Soviet smiled and nodded. "Yes it's lovely but um.. you've gotten.. tall.. and that is a much different Flag then I'm used to you.. having.." Russia sighed and looked down and took his father's hand. "You got very lucky papa.." Russia said and Soviet looked confused. "What do you mean? I'm immoral I was going to survive no matter what." Russia shook his head.

"You're.. you're not immortal anymore papa." Russia said and Soviet blinked. "What do you mean?" Russia took a breath and then sighed. "Papa it's been 31 years since reactor four of chernobyl exploded.. its 2017." Soviet's eyes widened as he sat up. "When did I collapse?!" He asked as he grabbed Russia's shoulders. "You collapsed in 1991. Chernobyl exploded in 1986. It's currently 2017." Soviet's eyes widened and he just couldn't figure it out very well.

"So I what collapsed 5 years after I went into the comma?" Russia nodded and Soviet nodded back and then sighed. "And after that 26 years between my collapse and now." Russia nodded. "31 years in whole I missed being around." Russia nodded. "Dad?" Soviet looked up at his son, "Yes?" "What was it like for you in the comma?" Russia asked, holding his father's hand. "It feels like I just woken up from a nightmare even though I dreamed nothing. I just fell asleep and woke back up but the explosion feels like a nightmare.

Russia nodded. "Lots have changed since you fell into that coma. A whole new world awaits for you to see it. And it doesn't care what you think. As trust me this new group of kids running around right now are terrifying." Soviet looked intrigued. "In what way?" Russia leaned back. "They're like.. fucking bombs, man. They're all over the fucking place and I mean it. You could be talking about the most fucking stupid thing and get smacked with why Anarchy is the only way to fix the world." Russia said and Soviet just blinked then chuckled. "So a generation of revolutionaries?" Russia just stopped and he looked at his dad. "Shut up. They're already bad don't encourage them."

Soviet laughed and nodded. "I can't wait to see it."

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