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Chapter 1


Narrator's Pov


"C-Coming m-ma'am!" An ash blonde boy ran down the stairs, his cat ears flush against his head and his tail between his legs, as he ran to get cleaning supplies and came to the kitchen and started cleaning.
"UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" A huge red mark was on his cheek as he stood still trying to hold the tears and whimpers back as he waited for the next hit.
Slap, slap, slap
"O-Of course m-ma'am...I-I'll get to work r-right away..." He went on his hands and knees and started washing the floors as his mother tsked and walked away from him, grabbing another wine bottle on her way out.

"..." A tear slid from his face and landed on the floor as he quietly sobbed kneeling on the kitchen floor. He realized what was happening to him a month ago...

He was being abused

He didn't know he was until he read it in a storybook that his mother accidentally left out one morning. Once he read that, it told him that mothers were supposed to be caring of their child and not hurt them or tell them to do stuff for them for free.

His whole life he lived in isolation he has never seen the outside world and could only imagine what it would look like in his head. His mother told him a lot about it though, most of it was through a drunken haze that she forgot within the next 5 minutes but it was a brief summary.

It was a dark and cold world with hardly any green and people died everyday and that he should be lucky he hasn't yet. And boy was he glad because he didn't want to die just yet and he wanted to see what his mother described.

Yes, maybe she was a cruel woman that abused her son and manipulated him into many different things, but she (when she wasn't drunk) was a really kind woman and she got into drinking when her husband died shortly after Katsuki was born, from a car accident. She blamed herself and used her rage on him.

He finished cleaning the floors and moved onto the bunkers making sure everything was spotless and filled to the brim and placed back where he found it. He then moved onto the cupboards and cleaned them throughly doing exactly what he did with the bunkers and went through them one by one cleaning and inspecting every single one making sure it was spotless not even a piece of dust left.

He finally finished cleaning the kitchen and sighed, he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep but he knew better than to do anything without permission so he just sat on the kitchen floor waiting for instructions.

He sat there for a good 4 hours, he was starving, tired and numb. He knew he couldn't fall asleep there or leave that spot so he just sat there still waiting for his mother to return.

He suddenly perked up his ears as an unknown noise was outside the house, it was a whirring and the vibrations were heavy, that made him cower back, he could hear gravel crunching underneath its weight. Scared, he crawled backwards staying in the kitchen, fearful of the punishment would be if he left.

He could hear footsteps coming closer to the house and they weren't sloppy or drunken like his mother would usually be like. He got really scared and hid behind the kitchen island looking over the top at the front door that was always locked.

It opened easily and he shivered at the night breeze that followed. He looked back at the door seeing a big dark shadow tower in the doorway.

Frightened he crawled back and his eyes were beginning to water, that was the first person he has ever seen (except of course his mother) and he was definitely beginning to think what his mother told him was true. That they were all selfish, greedy, scary and wanted nothing but pain.

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