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Chapter 12


Narrator's Pov



A loud scream echoed from the garden. Both Izuku and Dabi tensed up, Izuku let out a short breath before sprinting away towards the garden.
"Ah!- hey! I'm still not done talking!" Dabi yelled after him. Izuku replied as he sprinted away.

"I DON'T CARE!" Dabi huffed out a breath of air and looked over to the bushes, knowing that he was going to be taking the blame for this.

" failed...again..." Dabi quivered in his boots. The person stepped out from behind the bushes and Dabi shrunk as they stepped closer and closer.
"Don't fail me again...and Toga you can step out from the other bush...I know you were spying on us." Toga stepped timidly out from the bush Izuku was standing next to just moments ago.

"S-Sorry boss...y-you were just doing this whole secret thing! And I-..." She shut her mouth as the person glared at her, backing down and looking at her feet as she fiddled with her fingers.

They huffed then looked over to where Izuku ran to.

"Now why did that...neko scream for him..?"


He ran towards the garden at his top speed to find out why his neko was screaming his name. He soon reached the garden after tripping on his own foot a few times, slowing him down. But what greeted him made him mad. He was infuriated.

Because standing right in front of him was a muddy, bloody, wet, happy, spiky haired blonde right infront of him. He took in a deep breath counted to ten and opened his eyes back up, glaring at the neko who was now shaking in fear.

"What. Happened." Izuku spoke with venom as he took a step closer to the cautious and fearful half human, who almost unnoticeably leaned away from the greenette in an attempt to get back.

"I-I...well...y-you see...I-...uhm...uh..." Katsuki stuttered as he started to slowly walk backwards, Izuku following suit.

"Well? Spit it out. Now." Breathing in a sharp gasp of air Katsuki, noticing he was just about to fall into the fountain, balanced himself and stopped just before he actually fell.

"...Master...I-...I'm sorry..." Katsuki looked at the ground in shame, his tail and ears pointed towards the ground as he held his hands behind him, almost in a bow. Izuku raised a green eyebrow.

"What's with the 'master'? Are you comfortable with it? If you aren't then don't. If you are okay, call me it it you want I don't care." He spat while looking down at the fear stricken but also confused blonde.

"H-Hah...?" Izuku sighed and crossed his arms as he scanned the neko once more before trying to explain why he was mad and that it shouldn't result in 'punishment'.

"Look, Kitten, I want you to know that I wasn't going to hit you just because I was a little upset. I was going to calm down and ask you why this had all happened." He gestured to all of Katsuki as Katsuki also scanned himself, realising that he was filthy and sore.
"But Baby Kit, you can't just go screaming my name like that, it made me worry and think you were in grave danger! I just..." Izuku sighed as he stepped closer to the neko who was no longer trying to get away.
"I know we haven't known eachother that long and you probably just want to go back to your mother-"





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