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Chapter 8


Narrator's Pov


The room was silenced.

Katsuki stood there dread placed over his face as he realised just what he had done.
"U-Um I-I s-so-sorr-y...I-I'm sor-orry...I-I d-didn't me-mean it-it...I-I'll do be-better...I'm so-sorry...I-I wasn't a-a good ki-kitty..." Katsuki sobbed as he slowly sunk to the floor crying his eyes out while looking at Izuku slowly walking towards him.

Izuku was devastated, the little blonde was scared of standing up and using his voice...what was he to do...?

Izuku slowly made his way over towards Katsuki to then quietly sit down next to him as Toga and Dabi watched from afar.
"It's okay kitty~ you're fine~ I know you're sorry~ but~ it's not your fault baby~ I couldn't help but snap darling~ you just tried to stop me before I hurt someone~ you're okay~ Izuku is here~. " Izuku soothed coming ever so slightly closer to the neko keeping a safe distance as to not send him into another panic attack.

Kasuki soon made his way into Izuku's arms that were outstretched waiting for the neko to lean into them. The greenette smiled while hugging Katsuki close to his chest.
"It's okay baby~." Izuku then glared at the two that took one step closer and they cowered back in fear. Katsuki pulled on Izuku's shirt to direct his attention back to him, fearful of the consequences they will serve.
"D-Don't scare" The neko begged using his best puppy eyes looking up at Izuku. And how was Izuku to resist such adorableness!
"Okay Kitty, I won't~ and after this you'll get a reward for being such a good kitty~." Dabi looked at the two on the ground and felt guilt eat away at his insides. He turned to Toga who was fawning over the two of them and rolled his eyes. Their boss will be so pissed.

Dabi backed away, 'tch'ing as he walked to the door, gesturing for Toga to follow. She did so but was looking at the duo on the floor the entire time, squealing to herself on her way out.

Izuku watched them leave with a scowl placed onto his face, he gripped the blonde tighter and rested his head ontop of Katsuki's head. Katsuki curled into the warmth more wondering why he was so attached already.

Izuku stood up slowly pulling the trembling blonde with him and started to guide him out of the meeting room.
"Do you want your treat now?" Katsuki looked up at him wondering, but that was soon cut short as their stomachs began to rumble.

Katsuki's ears then turned pink and Izuku chuckled and pulled him closer.
"I guess we can eat now~" Katsuki shoved his face into his hands letting Izuku guide him to wherever they were going, only peaking out when they turned a corner and opened a door. ( hard is it to get to a kitchen!?)

Once they got there Izuku sat him down on a stool infront of the kitchen island and told him to stay put while he made something. Curious, Katsuki peaked over Izuku's shoulder while he pulled out ingredients.

Confused, Katsuki started to look around the room. It wasn't the biggest kitchen in the world but it worked, it was definitely bigger than his mothers'. It was mostly white with black accents for the tiles, counters and window frames, but the black curtains were shut draining the room of any and all natural light.

There were green plants in the corners intriguing Katsuki to go over there and investigate, he has never seen plants up close before. As he was staring the room down, Izuku looked behind him and saw Katsuki's curious eyes scanning the room, silently picking up peices of information to store for later. He smiled and felt warm in his empty cold heart, that same familiar feeling that he used to feel long ago with his mother. He hoped he would feel it forever, as long as it came from this one curious neko.

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