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Chapter 7


Katsuki's Pov


Izuku left me alone with this...girl...I think she's called Mina? Anyways, she immediately had me try on every single outfit of Izuku's. Most were too baggy, and some actually could not fit me at all. But while I was exchanging clothes after clothes, I noticed that every time I took off my shirt, she looked at me like I was a poor animal that has been hurt. She tried to hide it by putting on a smile, but she couldn't hide it from me.

Anyway, after at least half an hour of trying on Izuku's clothes, she then made me wear only his big giant T-shirt. It was so big it went past my knees, and it was hanging down from my shoulder, so my collarbone was visible. Though my tail got in the way of the shirt, and it was actually lifting the shirt from covering my behind. So what Mina did was she gave me some laced pants to wear. I honestly know nothing about clothes and what a boy can wear or not, so I just wore them without a second thought. It was a little uncomfortable and a little itchy, but I didn't mind.

She then squealed, and I covered my ears that are now flushed against my head, and I whimpered. I hate loud noises...

She soon stopped, and I finally uncovered my ears and looked up at her questionly. Yes, I am shorter than her. She had a On her face, she put her hands behind her back while looking away. Why did she do that? Is this another thing I don't know?

"Sorry about that. I honestly don't know how to control my voice yet...hehe..." She apologised as she took a seat next to me.
"I-I-It's al-alright...I-I guess..." I speak quietly, trying not to make eye contact with her as I fiddle with my fingers trying to ease my nerves.

"Oh no, it's not, baby!" She comes in close and hugs me while I am really confused on why she called me 'baby'.
"B-Baby...?" She nods and tightens her grip on me.
"Because you're too precious for this world!" She kisses my forehead and then finally lets me go. She walks over to the closet and opens it, walking in.
"So! I need to find something for you to-" The rest of her mumbles faded to background noise as I focused on the door. I wanted to see him, I needed him, he was my comfort and my place to fall, I know I only met him yesterday but...why does my heart pick up everytime he touches me...? I wanted to know.

So, I stood up and quietly slipped out the room, seeing the two guards.


I stood there wondering what I was to do; they hadn't noticed me, and they were much stronger than me. I finally decided what to do and gave it a shot.
"Mrow~" I meowed and sat on the ground behind them. They turned around and awed at me. I smiled and headbutted one of their legs.
"Hah! He likes me better!" The man then pet me grinning at his coworker.
" you have to be competitive at 6:50 in the morning...?" The other spoke with a groan. I then quickly crawled to him, looked up at him, and turned my head to the side.
"Mrow?~" I then saw little stars appear in his eyes as he bent down to pet me. The other got annoyed and shoved him.
"Oi! This Kitty is mine!" The other growled and got back up and shoved him, too.
"Who said he was yours!?"

They then fought, and I quietly slipped away. I grinned; it still worked. I used to use that move on my mother when she wasn't that drunk, and she was crying. She always awed at me and hugged me, silently crying into my shoulder. I never knew why she was sad, but I always felt obliged to help her.

I followed Izuku's scent, he smelled of...I don't know what it is called or what it even is as I feel it is from nature...but it is comforting and I'll still follow it!

Soon, I came upon a room that Izuku's scent went into, and I tilted my head my tail swishing into a cane, as my ears went up trying to hear if he was on the other side.

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