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Chapter 3


Narrator's Pov


This is his new home...he wondered how it came to this...why his mother sold him off...and why Izuku Midoriya took him in and was so kind...

"This is your room" Katsuki looked at the big doors that weren't too far from Izuku's room. Is this really his own room? His mother never let him have his own room, he usually just slept on her newspapers, they were uncomfortable but it was all he knew.
"Yeah? What's wrong kitty?" Katsuki looked at Izuku then looked back at the door.
"My room...?" Izuku looked at him confused and walked closer to him.
"Yes...your you not want it?" Katsuki looked at Izuku then the door then repeated it again and again. Until Izuku held his head and made him look up at him.
"What's wrong...?" Katsuki looked at him and teared up.
"I'm sorry..." Izuku was dumbfounded. Why was Katsuki apologising? And why does he seem like he has never had his own room before?
"Why are you apologising kitty?"
"I-I asked too many questions..." He held out his wrists and bit his lip before continuing.
"W-When's the punishment...?" Izuku was shocked, just what has this boy been through...?
"I'm not going to give you any punishment..." Katsuki looked confused but replied.
"Is-isn't that how I'm supposed to learn...?"
"No." Izuku retorted, he didn't want this precious kitty to fear him, so he began to be nicer to him, to try to understand him. It was a tough process...
"O-Oh..." Katsuki slowly put his hands down and looked away from him.
"Hey...look at me..." Izuku used two fingers and hooked Katsuki's chin and pulled his face so he was facing him.
"Smile for me okay?" Katsuki was confused.
"W-What is...'smile'...?" Izuku was shocked again. Has he never smiled...? Has no one ever smiled to him...? He's do broken...I'll fix him...
"It's something you do with your mouth...see?" Izuku smiled briefly while Katsuki looked at him interested.
"Y-You don't have sharp t-teeth...?" Izuku again, was confused.
"Mother said that all men have sharp that not true...?"
"'s not true..." Katsuki bit his lip then looked down.
"O-Oh..." Katsuki looked back up at Izuku to see him slightly angry, thinking he did something wrong he hurriedly got on his knees.
"I-I'm so-sorry si-sir! F-For wha-atever I-I did!" Izuku, again, was taken aback. He looked down at the pleading mess kneeling on the ground before him and got on the ground as well, taking Katsuki's hands into his own.
"Don't did nothing wrong..." Katsuki looked at him then looked at his knees that were shaking.

"How about we just go in your room then you can tell me what your mother has said...okay...?" Katsuki nodded and he slowly stood up with Izuku supporting him by holding his waist.
"I'll open the door for you kitty" Izuku said and pushed open the double doors while still holding Katsuki.

Katsuki was shocked, the room was huge! It had a queen size bed with beautiful white sheets, a corner dedicated to reading, a huge window so he could see outside and a magnificent desk!


(It looked like this, just imagine the bed made and no paintings 😗)

(It looked like this, just imagine the bed made and no paintings 😗)

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Katsuki was speechless, he has never seen such a room before. He was never allowed in his mothers bedroom, so he didn't even know what most of this was.
"You like it? If you don't we could always rearrange things or give you a different room-"
"N-No! I-I...I love it...T-Thank you..." Izuku chuckled and pet Katsuki's hair making the smaller blonde lean into the touch.
"You're welcome Kitty~"

He took Katsuki's hands, lead him into the bedroom and sat him down on the bed.
"You can sleep if you want." Katsuki looked at him then back at the bed.
"W-We sleep on this...?" Izuku was confused, he then nodded his head slowly, trying to read the cute neko infront of him.
"Yeah, we do...why...?" Izuku was really curious but worried for his little neko infront of him.
"I-I always slept on newspapers..." Katsuki looked at the ground while saying that trying to avoid the burning feeling of the greenettes eyes on him.
"...What...?" Izuku was furious, why would anyone let his cute kitty sleep on basically the ground!? Katsuki panicked and looked up at the green eyes turning red in fury.
"Th-That's what mother said people sleep on! I-I don't know...m-much...p-plus she said I wasn't deserving to have this-this much..." The words were hurried and sloppy as he squeaked them out, trying to please the angry man infront of him.

Izuku sighed then kneeled infront of the shaking neko, holding his hand, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.
"You deserve much more than this..." Izuku looked up at the blonde cat infront of him seeing that his Ruby eyes were glassy with tears.

He perked up and hugged the blonde in a tight hug shushing him and petting his head to try to get him to calm down.
"It's okay Kitty, let it out, it's just me and you, you are a good Kitty, aren't you? Good Kitty, my Kitty." Izuku cooes into Katsuki's ear rocking them back and forth trying to sooth the crying neko.

"M-Mother said that I was to not cry...s-should I get my punishment...?" Izuku furrowed his brow, just what has this boy been through...?
"What else has your...'mother' said to you...?" Katsuki took a minute and broke the hug and stayed sitting on the bed where he was placed.

"W-Well...m-mother said that the plants and greenery all died long ago and that is why we barely have any food...the most that I get is a piece of bread or a cup of water if I'm lucky...i-is that true...?" Izuku was dumbfounded, HOW MUCH DOES THIS NEKO NOT KNOW!? He took in a deep breath and explained.
"No...its not true...your mother has said many lies...the greenery and plants are still living, we all have plenty of food and water and you are allowed to cry..."

Katsuki this time, was the one who was dumbfounded, he was...allowed to do those things...? All his life he was never allowed to do those things...his mother lied...?

What else has she lied to him about...?

Plants are not dead, people eat more than just bread and a cup of water every 6 days, and he was allowed to cry...?

He has a lot to learn about this place, and he wouldn't mind Izuku teaching him all about it.

Things just might be looking up for him...

But that is just what he thinks...

Who knows what kind of dangers are out there...and what lies outside and inside the walls...


End of Chapter

1178 words

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