" hey little one " part 5

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We walk downstairs and join the team in the living room , all sitting down to eat pizza in front of a movie .

- Sky : pizza !!

Sky says loudly and giggles as she goes on the couch quickly sitting next to Wanda

- W : hey sweetie ? Which one would you like -

She start to propose but sky quickly takes the slice tony was about to take and growl at him quickly

- Tony : Romanoff can you ask her to give me back my slice ??!
- Nat : oh come on Tony there's a lot of slices for everyones

I say chuckling softly and sitting down next to my girl and taking a slice too , handing her a glass of Coke .

We eat calmly and quietly while watching the movie then we all go back to our occupations , I like every day bring Sky outside in the woods and give her her space . It is been three years but even if it is been a long time now , I still let her be who she was before and let her feel free by trusting her and letting her run and often act like an animal again .

I don't know if it's bad but that's how I know she feels better to then come back to me and go shower .

- Nat : alright wanna take the socks off too ?
- Sky : hmm hmm

She hums nodding and I do it for her in the way taking her jacket off knowing she was used to do it herself then lose it in the woods somewhere ... yes this happened ! .

- Nat : alright you can go baby

I say quietly and bring her closer to kiss her forehead , I trust her . But I still worry that one day she'll forget her way back to me . Sky kisses my forehead and start to run away with a wide smile on her face .

- Sky : WHOOOHOOO !!!!!

She screams loudly and fade away behind a tree , I close my eyes and wait there for ... maybe two hours ... longer than usual so I obviously start to get worried but keep waiting .

- Sky : BOHH !

Sky says placing both of her hands on my shoulders making me flinch but smile quickly bringing her in my arms .

- Sky : hi

She whispers smiling happily and wrapping her arms around my neck

- Nat : hi baby , you had fun? Let's catch your breath huh ?
- Sky : I had fun mama

She says happily giggling and nodding her head .

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