Meeting / 2.

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Read ( Explosion /1. ) first if you wanna understand this whole shot darlings 😉⚠️‼️


My jet arrives a few hours later in LA , I focus on the mission and make my way to Tony's place a huge house with many rooms and a cave .
I settle down take a shower and get changed until I get ready to leave and spot my men . I don't take long until I manage to track one of them and arrive in the city , listening to the following conversation with 2 people that weren't part of the targets I still take notes of their sayings . I can't help but smirk and snort , men can be very dumb , they'd do anything for money even believe they could steal files and out of them create an empire ? Woaw let me laugh a sec .


K : girl FINALLY !! Happy birthday !!!

Kelly my best friend says jumping in my arms , I grunt not liking to be touched .. I don't really know why but hands on me wasn't my thing even if it was warm hugs but Kelly didn't wanna stop so I don't want to argue about it everyday . Yep this happened everyday .

S : you're chocking me ! Kells it's painful -
K : ok !! I can't believe it you're getting as big as me little baby

Yep there's also that , Kelly is one year older ONE but everyday she gets to tell me how little I am , I mean I'm also a little short but that's not the problem ! I'm not a baby !! .

K: did you talk with your mom ? Will she let you go to the party tonight ?
S : uh .. even if my mom says yes I'm not sure my dad will ... he wants to protect me you know and at night anything can happen and - you know my anxiety
K : yeah .. the one who thought a poor old grandpa was following her he was actually going for the bench instead ? -
S : ok FIRST he was maybe around the fourties' and SECOND in this world some people can act like anything to kidnap you , I don't know how you're so not -
K : afraid ? .. my poor Sarah , 19 and you can barely go out to buy yourself a bagel
S : I don't like bagels so it's not even worth a shot

I hate it , while she loved them . I don't know how this girl can be my best friend but .. yeah whatever .
As we walk in the university I naturally like always lower my head and walk to my class .. there's too many people here and I hate people .

* lunch time bell ringing *

Everyone runs out of the university, everyone that doesn't stay to eat there . One of them was Sarah and her friend Kelly both going to the city to take a tuna sandwich her FAVOURITE .
Natasha on the side who was still watching sitting outside of a coffee eyes on the men don't let anyone bother her , block her way to them , or even speak to her . Kids and young adults starting to appear from kind of everyone but even that it doesn't stop her mission ... until .

K : last I ate with tuna I threw up honey I'm more of a salmon girl
S : hmm * she grunt making a face hating salmon *
K : yeah yeah , grunt little beast * she chuckles softly *
S : oh - well we need to wait apparently

Sarah grunts seeing the people waiting in line for it letting Kelly take her hand and drag her to a table to sit a bit and drink some water , Sarah look around the feeling of being watched or followed coming back all over again making her tense and as she looked no one looked back at her .. no one except.


It's impossible ... either I'm dreaming or this is a nightmare .. Mia .. my Mia was sitting there with one of her friend to get food ..? No injuries on her face tho .. she looked so differently , I could barely hear her voice but suddenly I wasn't paying attention to the mission . It is when her beautiful clear eyes looked back at me that I saw it , it is her -... wait ... why isn't she reacting ?? Why did she just look away and seem tense .. it's me .. after so long darling it's me ...

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