Chapter 11- Forever Winter

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Hi everyone!
Before you start reading on about everyone's favorite angsty alchemist, I just wanted to say thank you for 500 reads!
I originally thought I'd be writing this for myself because I thought the TTS fandom was dead T-T, But I'm so glad you all proved me wrong!
Your comments, votes, and support gives me so much motivation, and I'm so thankful for you all!
Anyways, let's traumatize some kiddos! 

Rapunzel and I rush over to the horse.

"Maximus! What happened? Are you okay?" Rapunzel asks, stroking the bridge of his nose.

"Max... Where are our parents?" I suck in a big breath, not entirely sure if I wanted to know the answer.

Max hangs his head down sadly. The captain holds up a broken strap on the horse's saddle. "It looks like there was an accident up on the mountain." he solemnly concludes.

Raps darts over to him. "Accident?"

The captain sighs. "Rapunzel, I think your parents are in grave danger."


The wind harshly blows outside. The icy breath of the blizzard swirls around our kingdom, making the small island a wasteland of ice and snow. The people of Corona fled to the castle, seeking a warm shelter. As Cassandra tends to the fire, Pascal and I pass out warm tea to the villagers.

I stop when I feel a little tug on my coat. I glance down and see a small girl looking up at me with worry. "Princess? Will the snow go away soon?" She sniffles. "I miss the sunshine."

I kneel beside her so I can meet her eye level. "It'll get better soon. The snow can't last forever." I give her a reassuring smile. It can't last forever...right?

"You can't go!!"

I glance over to the voice and see Rapunzel and Nigel discussing something. I stand up and hand the little girl a blanket before joining my sister.

Eugene suddenly enters the room followed by Lance and the pub thugs. "He's right, Rapunzel. You can't, but we can." He says, gesturing to the small group of men behind him.

Rapunzel walks up to Eugene. "But you just heard Nigel. It's a death trap."

"Look at us, princess. If the rest of the world had its way, each and every one of us would either be on the run or locked up somewhere." Lance calmly says.

Big Nose smiles. "But your parents had the heart to give us a second chance. A chance to prove ourselves and go straight."

"The least we can do is give them a second chance of their own," says Attila.

Rapunzel looks down with worry. I gently took hold of her hand and squeezed it. I could tell she wasn't ready to risk any more lives in this storm. "There isn't another option, Raps."

"She's right," Eugene says, placing his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "The mountains made for a great hideout back in the day. I know those roads better than anyone." He grins. "Face it. We're the men for this job. Besides, even a make-believe king has gotta make himself useful."

The captain walks up to us. "Your highness, the guards should really be the ones to go."

"If this storm keeps up, things could get ugly, and this kingdom will need its guards."

The captain looks down at Rapunzel. "Your Highness, it's your call."

Rapunzel looks at Eugene, and then down at me. Her lip was quivering. I give her a small, reassuring nod. She sighs and looks back up at her love. "Go."

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