Prologue/Chapter 1

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: None

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: None

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Prologue/Chapter 1

"We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."

Fourteen-year-old Miracle Seanoa looked down at her cellphone, sadness in her eyes. "Finn..." she whispered, as a tear spilled down her cheek.

A little over three months had passed since she and her family moved from Seattle to Orlando after a nightmare that had haunted her family for the better part of fifteen years. Miracle's mother—Ella Seanoa—had been stalked since the age of eighteen by a man named Jacques Fournier. He attempted to use her in a revenge plot against her own father. To protect her, her Uncle Jeff suggested she and her boyfriend marry and hide away somewhere till the psychopath was caught. Sadly, on Ella's wedding night, Fournier made another attempt to kidnap her and so she faked her death and fled Tennessee—leaving her husband and family behind in order to protect them. She traveled to Seattle where nine months later, she gave birth to Miracle. She managed to stay hidden from Fournier for several years, until one fateful night when her husband—Joe Seanoa found her alive and well.

Unfortunately, Fournier was one step ahead and had already kidnapped Miracle to use as bait, and interrupted their passionate reunion. Within the next couple hours, Fournier had Ella, and Joe was soon found by an officer—lying on Ella's living room floor, shot in the chest.

And that's how Miracle came to meet and fall in love with Officer Finn Bálor. He'd aided in saving her father's life, and then acted as her bodyguard for the next few months till the ordeal with Fournier finally came to a head.

Having difficulty in making Ella toe the line for him, after he discovered her to be pregnant with Joe's second child, Fournier decided to kidnap Miracle again in order to subdue her mother. His plan backfired however when Ella and her daughter realized they had no choice but to fight back. Ella was finally able to put an end to the French psychopath, but not before he poisoned Miracle.

Finn found them soon after, and stayed with Miracle until help arrived. Even though she was sure she was dying, she kept her feelings for Finn a secret. Save for a few friends who'd guessed she had a crush on her bodyguard, no one ever knew the true extent of her feelings.

Suffering a heart attack due to the poison Fournier had forced on her, Miracle nonetheless fought through and, albeit she would live with a heart condition, she survived.

After her recovery, she finished the school year out, and Ella had her second baby. Then, it was time to move to Florida, so Joe could return to his career.

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