Chapter 11

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Stalkery behavior

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Stalkery behavior

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Brooklyn, New York

Barclay's Center

Gerald Collins stalked through the hallways of Barclay's Center, in search of Miracle. He'd already been by the cluster of writers' offices, but with no luck. Finally, he went to the other correspondents and asked them of Miracle's whereabouts.

Their answer didn't make him happy.

In the least.

"Miracle is taking some time off," Renee told him.

"Rumor has it that she might not come back either," Kayla Braxton added. "And I hate it too. She was so good at her job and easy to work with. Fun to be around."

"Why wouldn't she come back," Gerald asked, his temper igniting.

"Well, I heard that there is some sort of love triangle between her and Finn and Becky Lynch," Kayla said.

"Kayla," Renee scolded. "Quit spreading the rumors. That's how they get out of hand!"

"Sorry, it's just what I've heard," Kayla said, a slight flush creeping up her face. "Like I said, they're just rumors, Gerald. There may not be any truth to them."

He nodded dejectedly. "I see. Thanks for the info. I'll see you ladies around."

He walked away, seething. Why wouldn't she have told me about leaving? About taking time off?

He stalked down the winding hallways till he came to Finn's dressing room. He knocked.

There was no answer, so he turned and headed for catering, the only other place he could think of to check.

Once he reached catering he pushed past the swinging double doors and entered the makeshift cafeteria. He quickly spotted Finn sitting across the room with AJ Styles and Seth Rollins. He instantly marched over and jerked Finn around by the shoulder.

Immediately on his guard, Finn surged to his feet and got into a fighting stance. "What's your problem," he asked, his voice rising. His stance relaxed a bit when he saw that it was only Gerald.

"Why'd you go and run Miracle off," Gerald demanded. "She was happy here."

"Whatever happened between me and Miracle is none of your business," Finn started calmly. "She's not your girlfriend, lad."

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