Chapter 5

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.

Chapter/Content Warning: some implied sexual situations

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"It's a recurring dream I've had for years," Miracle said softly, still clinging to Finn, resting her head against his chest. He sat with his back against the headboard and held her in his arms. "But it was different... worse this time."

"Just tell me from the beginnin'," he whispered into her hair. "It'll feel better to get it out in the open."

She nodded slightly, "I have nightmares about Fournier. A lot. He's always attacking me. Using me to hurt my mother—or her to hurt me. The dream always starts out with me in the pitch black." She puffed out a sigh of mild frustration. "I'm terrified of the dark now," she said, glancing up at his face. "See, when Fournier kidnapped me that last time..." She paused as she felt the muscles in Finn's arms tense up. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like to think about that time."

"No, lass," he said softly. "I don't. But it's okay. I just never did come to grips with the fact he took ya on my watch. Tell me y'r dream."

"I woke up in a cell. Just like the one my mom was in. But the room was completely dark. I couldn't see anything. I don't know how long he made me stay like that. Hours, I think. And then he came in. And he told me I had to help him with my mother." She scoffed. "Like I would really help with anything—let alone hurting my mother. Anyway, he..." She trailed off a moment. "He held a knife to my throat. He said he was going to kill me. He knew he could hurt mom the most by ending my life."

Finn said nothing for a moment. Then his soft voice asked, "This was real? Not the dream?"

"No, it was both," she answered. "The dream basically is me reliving the time I spent in Fournier's cabin—in that cage. Anyway, that's usually how the dream goes, but there was more this time."

Finn felt nothing but sheer rage at the horror that Fournier was still managing to put Miracle through. But he knew she needed to talk through the ordeal. "More?"

She nodded, and fought the urge to fall asleep. "When I refused to help him with Mom, he lunged at me and grabbed me. I screamed for him to let me go. I started saying out loud that the dream wasn't real—it was just a nightmare. I thought I'd wake up then. But I didn't. Fournier went to prove the dream was real—even though it wasn't." She shook her head. "It's weird, I know. But sometimes dreams can be very strange. Anyway, he came back—with you."

"Wit' me," he clarified.

"Yes. He had a knife to your neck. And then, he... He started shifting into... Into another man. And then back into Fournier. It did that a few times."

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