Chapter 9

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: discussions of an attack

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: discussions of an attack

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Chapter 9

"Where. Are. They," Joe demanded, pacing back and forth in Gerald's office. His black eyes had gone even darker if that was at all possible.

"I'm sure Finn is hurrying her over here as we speak," AJ said softly, leaning nervously against a medical cabinet. "You only got off the phone with Karl a couple of minutes ago."

"I don't care," Joe shot back. "He's not bringing her fast enough," he grumbled under his breath as he paced once more.

"Just try to stay calm," Gerald said, readying an oxygen tank for when Miracle arrived. "You'll only upset her more."

"Stay calm," Joe scoffed. "My little girl was attacked!"

"She'll be okay," Luke said softly, placing his hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Yeah, she's a tough girl," Karl agreed.

At that moment, they heard a commotion in the hallway and turned to see Finn carrying a limp Miracle toward them.

"Let me t'rough!"

There was an urgency in Finn's voice that Joe nor AJ had ever heard before. Everyone else seemed to notice it too because they began parting like the Red Sea.

Instantly, Finn was in the office and laying Miracle down on the cot. He took her hand gently, not wanting to be separated from her, but immediately released it at her pained moan. Everyone in the room stared at her hand then, and took note of the broken pinky finger.

"God," Joe cried, moving closer to his daughter. "What did he do to her?"

"Can't...breathe...." Miracle cried softly in her unconscious state. "Please, help me..."

"How do we know for sure it was a he that attacked her," Gerald asked, placing an oxygen mask over Miracle's nose and mouth and adjusting the straps around her ears. "Hasn't Maryse got some beef with her?"

Finn spoke up then. "Her clothes are ripped open, lad. It was most likely a man."

"WHAT?" Joe demanded. He peeked underneath Finn's hoodie and took note of Miracle's torn clothing, then growled. "He's dead when I find him."

"Yes, he is," FInn agreed.

Joe glared at him. "This wouldn't even have happened if you hadn't-"

"Joe," AJ cut in. "This wasn't Finn's fault-"

"Yes, it was," Finn interrupted AJ. "If I hadn't hurt her then someone wouldn't have found the opportunity to attack her, because she would have been with me."

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