Chapter 2

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Violence (within a nightmare)

Chapter 2

~May 2015~

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~May 2015~

Miracle struggled against the hold Fournier had on her throat as he pushed her back down into the sofa cushions underneath her.

"I told you, you wouldn't rob me of your death," he growled in her face while he choked her. "I will watch you die!" He grinned sadistically. "You'll never be rid of me, little girl. You can't keep me out of your dreams!"

Miracle clawed at his hands, sobbing and desperate for air. Fear sliced into her heart and chilled her blood. "Ple... Please..." she choked out.

Fournier only tightened his grip on her neck, his ice-blue eyes glaring into hers.


Her eyes shot open at the horror-struck shout still ringing in her ears, and found herself lying on the sofa where she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her gaze as she gulped in precious air, and found her father's terrified face staring at her.

"God, Miracle," he breathed, pulling his daughter into his arms and holding her tightly. "You scared me to death. You... I couldn't wake you up. I shook you—literally—for five minutes, but you were completely out cold!"

Miracle wrapped her arms around Joe's neck, still struggling to breathe. "I'm so sorry, Daddy," she whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you. I-I was having a nightmare. I had no idea you were trying to wake me."

"That's what scared me," Joe replied, pulling back to look at her face and brushed some hair away from her forehead. "Are you okay," he asked. "Your heart... Do I need to get you to the emergency room?"

She immediately shook her head. "N-no. I'm fine now, Daddy. I just... My dream felt so real."


She looked up at his face again. "Y-yeah."

"He can never hurt you again, baby. Only in your dreams," he told her.

"I know. It's just that... The nightmares had gone away for a while. I thought they were gone for good."

"It's probably everything you have going on right now," he said. "You're eighteen—a woman now. You're graduating high school in a few days. You're looking into a writing job with WWE—and while I'm proud that you have an interest in the profession, it is very stressful. I want you to be careful and not overtax yourself."

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