Chapter 8

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Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Some blood and aftermath of violence against a woman

Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Some blood and aftermath of violence against a woman

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Chapter 8

Finn hurried down the hallway of the roster's hotel in search of Miracle. A good two hours had passed since he'd seen her devastated face, and he was almost sick with worry. He'd tried calling her but quickly discovered that her cell phone rang from within her purse, which she'd left behind in her hurry to get away from him. She probably wouldn't take my call anyway, he thought bitterly. And I can't say as I'd blame her.

Approaching her room's door, he instantly knocked—loudly.

"Miracle," he called out and knocked again. "Miracle, please answer me. I understand if ya don't want to talk to me, sweetheart. I completely deserve that. But, please, just let me know you're in there and that you're okay."

When he got no answer, he sighed and pulled from his jeans pocket the key card to her room. "I didn't want to just walk into your room, but you're leavin' me no choice, lass." He slid the key into the scanner and then entered the room.

It looked to be uninhibited. Everything was as Miracle had left it earlier in the day. Her suitcase was leaning against the bed, her medicines were sitting neatly on the night table along with a bottle of water, and she had a pretty aqua nightgown laid out neatly across the bed ready for her to put on at the end of the night. Nonetheless, he checked her bathroom to make sure she wasn't just hiding from him.

He growled upon finding it empty.

He was so beyond angry at himself, he didn't know what to do.

What in the world made me think shaggin' Becky was a good idea?

He left the room, and headed back down the hall to the nearest elevator.

"Gotta get back," he muttered to himself as he stepped onto the elevator car. "I need to find her. Gotta know she's okay." He scoffed at himself then as he rode the elevator down to his level in the parking garage. "Even though I deserve to worry. I've gotta be the biggest ass the world's ever seen." He pulled out his cell phone and made the call he was hoping he wouldn't have to make.

"Hello? Finn?"

"Yeah, Joe, it's me," Finn replied. "Listen, we may have a problem." He took a deep breath and blurted, "I can't find Miracle anywhere."

"What're you talking about?"

Finn closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Joe already sounded angry.

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