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"I guess I'll go with Ruffnut and Tuffnut..."

"Oh, yeah!"

"Yes! I get my own human after all!"

Cheered the twins, high fiving in celebration.

"What?! Why'd she choose those knuckleheads?!" Complained Snotlout dumbfounded.

"Maybe we should take her to Gothi after all. She must have really hit her head hard, to think those idiots are the best option." Stated Astrid.

"I have to agree to Astrid. I'll make her an appointment with Gothi for tomorrow." Agreed Fishlegs.

You looked nervously at the others due to thier criticism, but hiccup was quick to send you a reassuring look. He stepped up to the others, with a bit of a sigh.

"Guys, enough. I know the twins aren't perfect, but thier not that bad. If she feels more comfortable traveling with them, then we should respect her decision. It's why we let her decide in the first place." Said Hiccup to sooth them.

The group collectively grumbled in disagreement, and they went over to mount thier dragons. Except for the twins who seemed to be planning something huddled in a corner.

"I can't believe she chose them over me... I was obviously the best choice! Right, Astrid?" Grumbled Snotlout.

"You know, I hate agreeing with you. I'll honestly be surprised if they make it to Hiccup's with her still in one piece." Said Astrid.

"Just in case, I should still make that appointment..." Noted Fishlegs nervously.

They all took off, but Hiccup hesitated. He looked over to you.

"Don't listen to them. You'll be fine. Probably." He said with a shrug.

He then looked over to the twins.

"Guys." He called out sternly.

They paused thier discussion to look up at hiccup.

"My house. Make sure she gets there alive." He ordered.

They gave him a thumbs up.

"You can count on us Hicky boy!"said Tuffnut confidentiality.

"Yeah we'll get her there alive." Agreed Ruffnut with a smirk.

Hiccup nodded, but gave her a suspicious look. He then took off after the others. Ruffnut leaned closer to her brother.

"But maybe not entirely intact." She said with a giggle.

You glanced at the twins, a bit nervous regarding your decision. You thought it was a good one at the time. I mean two heads are better than one...right?

"Prepare yourself!" Announced Ruffnut.

"Cause your about to see something awesome!" Finished Tuffnut.

The two turned around and seemed to count down. Ruffnut jumped and turned around into a pose.

"Presenting the Wild Ruffnut!"

Tuffnut spun around and struck his own pose.

"And the Crazy Tuffnut!"

"And last but not least..."

"The awesome and insane..."

"Barf and Belch!" The two cheered in sink, pointing at thier personal side of the dragon.

Thier two headed roared in grandeur. The right head, Barf, blew out a large plume of green smoke. The left head, Belch let some sparks fly from it's mouth. The sparks ignited the gas, letting lose a large explosion, the blast sending a gust of wind that made tour hair fly wildly. Your eyes were wide with awe.

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Strike Edition Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now