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Hiccup was about to speak, but Fishlegs interrupted him.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll go!" Volunteered Fishlegs, with a raised hand.

"As if, Fishface! I'm the one going." Snotlout declared.

"No we're going!" Argued the twins in sync.

The 4 of them glared at eachother, and they began arguing over who got to go. From your spot next to Stormfly, you sighed knowing that this would probably take awhile. Hiccup face palmed, and  Astrid rolled her eyes in annoyance. The argument thankfully didn't last too long, and Stoick broke it up.

"Alright, Enough Bickering! Fishlegs volunteered first, so he'll go with Hiccup. The rest of you are coming with me."  Ordered Stoick, glaring the 4 of them down.

Fishlegs became nervous under Stoick's glare, and quickly stood to attention.

"Yes, Sir! I won't let you down!" Proclaimed Fishlegs.

Stoick simply nodded, before begining to walk off.

"The rest of you, let's get a move on." He ordered.

Snotlout and the twins reluctantly began to follow after the chief.

"Stupid Fishface! Now I'm stuck with these dumb nuts!" Grumbled Snotlout.

"Hey! It's not like we want to be stuck with your ugly boar ass ethier!" Retorted Ruffnut.

"Yeah! This is exactly why we never volunteer!" Complained Tuffnut.

Hiccup sighed as he followed them, their dragons following behind. Fishlegs turned to look towards you with a smile.

"I'm so excited to get started! Why don't you ride with me and Meatlug today?" Offered Fishlegs.

"Oh! W-wait. Really? Um, okay." You agreed, surprised by the offer.

You began to walk over to Fishlegs. When you got halfway there, you heard Astrid snap her fingers. Suddenly, Stormfly launched several tail spikes that hit the ground between you and Fishlegs. You flinched hard and backed up, with Fishlegs also startling in surprise.

"Sorry to break it to you, but that won't be happening." Declared Astrid.

"Careful Astrid! What are you doing?" Asked Fishlegs confused.

Astrid put a hand on her hip, and you looked between the two nervously.

"What I'm doing is keeping an eye on her, something I doubt anyone else will be doing. Which means she'll ride with me." Proclaimed Astrid.

"But I thought Hiccup said you guys came to an understanding? You can't treat her like an enemy when she hasn't done anything wrong." Argued Fishlegs, giving her a stern look.

Astrid was ready to launch into another argument, but you stepped between them before they fight could continue.

"Wait! It's o-okay, Fishlegs. S-she's right. You guys don't have any reason to trust me. We agreed that she'd keep an eye on me until, I prove myself trustworthy." You explained nervously.

Astrid gave you a quick glance of approval. Fishlegs looked between the two of you in confusion.

"Wait, are you sure (Y/n)? You don't have to prove yourself. Me and the others already know you're good." Reassured Fishlegs concerned.

You nodded.

"I-I'm sure.  I d-don't want you g-guys to fight because of me..." You assured him, rubbing your arm self consciously.

"Ok, if you're sure..." Said Fishlegs, calming down.

Stormfly approached you, and gave you a gentle nudge to try and cheer you up. You gave her a brief smile, petting her snout. She gave a happy squawk.

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Strike Edition Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now