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You looked between all the riders before you, but couldn't quite make up your mind in who you wanted to go with. After several minutes of you hesitating, you heard a loud annoyed sigh from Astrid.

"We're going to be here all day at this rate. I'll just take her. Any objections?" Stated Astrid.

Anyone who looked like they were about to object, were quickly shut down by a glare she sent thier way. There was an awkward silence, before Hiccup cleared his throat.

"Alright then... Well if (Y/n) is okay with it?" He asked looking over at you.

You were put on the spot and everyone looked right at you. Astrid is particular was giving you a look like she was daring you to say no. 

Well... She wouldn't have been your first choice. She obviously is suspicious of you, and you're suprised she even volunteered at all.  But she did help get your bag back earlier, so maybe she's not all bad. With that in mind, you agreed to give her a chance.

"Um.. yeah. Yeah, I'm okay with that." You agreed hesitantly.

"See, everything's good." Said Astrid when hiccup gave her a look.

"Astrid... Just go easy on her?" Asked Hiccup.

Astrid sighed, but her face softened.

"Don't worry, I'll get her to you place in one piece. Which is better than I can say for some of the others."

"See you soon then." Hiccup said, giving her a nod.

He then signalled the others to take off. As they left though you heard a bit of thier conversation.

"Oh, she's so dead." Said Snotlout with a chuckle.

"I might need to plan a visit to Gothi..." Mumbled Fishlegs.

"You we should totally plan a party funeral! Viking funerals are the best!" Declared Ruffnutt excitedly.

"Okay for the theme, I'm thinking... Aquamarine. No, wait! Lavender!" Ranted Tuffnutt excitedly.

They all flew off, and that just left you and Astrid alone. You decided to be the one to break the ice.

"Hey, um... Thanks for offering me a ride! It was really nice...!"

She suddenly took off into the sky, quickly flying out if sight.

"Of you..." You mumbled as she flew off.

You were left kinda dumbfounded.

"She just left...?"

After the initial confusion passed, you began to panic. What if none of them came back? Would you be stranded here? Would a wild dragon come eat you? Would you be eaten by some other creature? Would you starve? What if you got caught in a storm, you had no idea how to survive that! You don't know anything, you're literally a blank slate! You can't just be left in your own!

Suddenly you got snatched up behind, and carried swiftly off into the air. You began screaming in panic, as the thought of being eaten by some beast was still fresh on you mind. The giant sharp claws holding you by your shoulders did not help ease that image from your Brain, and you were also panicking cause you were super high in the air and would die if you were dropped!

"Would you stop screaming already?!" Ordered Astrid, growing annoyed by your screams of fear.

"Astrid?! What's going on?! This isn't how I wanted riding a dragon to go!"

"Because I'm not letting some stranger ride my dragon."

"Then why did offer?"

"Because I don't trust you, or by your amnesia story! It's way too convenient of a story, and sounds like something a spy would say to get close to us!"

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Strike Edition Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now