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Hiccup was about to speak, but Fishlegs interrupted him.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll go!" Volunteered Fishlegs, with a raised hand.

"No we're going!" Argued the twins in sync.

This lead to Fishlegs and the twins glaring at eachother, and they began arguing over who got to go. From your spot next to Hookfang, you sighed knowing that this would probably take awhile. Snotlout, who was standing near you, sighed in annoyance. Hiccup facepalmed, and Astrid rolled her eyes. The argument thankfully didn't last too long, and Stoick broke it up.

"Alright, Enough Bickering! Fishlegs volunteered first, so he'll go with Hiccup. The rest of you are coming with me."  Ordered Stoick, glaring the 3 of the down.

Fishlegs became nervous under Stoick's glare, and quickly stood to attention.

"Yes, Sir! I won't let you down!" Proclaimed Fishlegs.

Stoick simply nodded, before begining to walk off.

"The rest of you, let's get a move on." He ordered.

The twins reluctantly began to follow after the chief.

"This is so lame! How come we never get to go on the cool missions?!" Complained Ruffnut.

"Yeah! This is why I never volunteer for things anymore!" Complained Tuffnut.

Hiccup sighed as he followed them, their dragons following behind. Astrid stopped as she passed by us, having been in the rear of the retreating group.

"Make sure to keep an eye on them." Said Astrid.

"Don't worry Astrid, we'll keep her safe, if that's what you're worried about." Said Fishlegs, misreading the situation.

Astrid rolled her eyes, and gave an annoyed groan.

"That's not at all what I ment Fishlegs. Please tell me that you both aren't naive enough to blindly trust her." Said Astrid, narrowing her eyes shrewdly at you.

You shrunk under her gaze, and felt a nudge from Hookfang pressing into your side. You could feel him tense a bit, as his eyes narrowed at Astrid.

Snotlout looked between you and Astrid with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait, do you actually think (Y/n) is dangerous? She wouldn't hurt a fly. Not all pretty girls are as violent as you, Astrid." Said Snotlout, confused as to why anyone would see you as a threat.

"Yeah, (y/n)'s been really nice. She wouldn't turn on us, right?" Said Fishlegs a bit hesitant, looking over to you.

"N-no! O-of course not!" You exclaimed,  your face in shock.

Astrid wore a face of utter disbelief.

"You two can't be serious... She hasn't given us any reason TO trust her! We know nothing about her! Even SHE claims not to know anything about herself! She could be our enemy and not even know it herself! And now you're gonna just hand her over a dragon, which is a weapon she could use against us!" Argued Astrid.

Her words stung more than you thought they would, and you gripped your shirt tightly. You looked away from the others, and Snotlout and Fishlegs both flashed you concerned glances. A low growl rippled out from Hookfang, his body heating up slightly, as he barred his fangs at Astrid.

"Look Astrid, I don't know if you got into the dragon nip again or if you're just jealous, but Hookfang and I trust her. So deal with it." Declared Snotlout defensively, putting a reassuring hand in your shoulder.

"We can't just treat people like criminals when they haven't actually done anything bad yet."  Fishlegs piped in.

Astrid sighed in frustration, rolling her eyes.

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Strike Edition Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now