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You turned once again under the blankets, for what felt like the hundredth time that night. For the past hour, you've be trying to no avail to fall asleep. All the events of the day were alot to take in, your brain unable to sleep as it still tried to process it all.

You knew your name, but everything else about who you were was just a blank slate. You only guessed that you liked drawing, but had no memories to back that up. The only clue to your past being a dirty amulet with a strange symbol, that in the end, might not help you at all.

Where did you come from? Did you have a family out there? Friends? Was there anyone even out there that missed you at all? Or were you all alone?

Why had you been in that boat all alone? Were you running from something? Or was it all just a freak accident that you ended up all the way out here?

You sighed and turned again.

Snotlout was nice. Hookfang too. But it was just a small ray of light in this new strange place. You felt vulnerable in a way. No past to anchor you anywhere, trapped on an unfamiliar island, surrounded by strangers. You were lucky to be welcomed here. They could have just as easily let thier dragons eat you, or kill you themselves. All you were going on right now was luck, and you prayed it didn't run out anytime soon.

You shook your head and sat up. You couldn't sleep. There was no point lying in bed, letting your thoughts wonder like this. You needed to get out, get some fresh air to clear your head, do something to distract yourself.

You got out of the bed, not bothering to make it. You went over to the desk where you left your bag and swung it on. You then made your way quietly down the wooden stairs, to the first floor. You peeked over at Toothless and Hiccup. They were sleeping on the floor by the fire place. Hiccup had a blanket over him and some sort of large stuffed dragon as a pillow. It hardly looked comfortable, making you feel guilty. Here he was, giving up his bed so you could get a good rest, and here you were not even using it.

You snuck past them quietly, not wishing to disturb them. You left the house and embraced the fresh night air. As you began walking through the quiet village, you had to admit the it felt kinda of creepy when it was dark and empty like this.

You decided to distract yourself from your nerves and worries, by recalling the stories Snotlout told you on the tour earlier. You also tried to remember what each building was called and used for, and who lived where.

After awhile you found yourself by Snitlout's house. You stared at it for awhile and contemplated whether it would be okay or not to knock. He did offer you another tour if you wanted one, and you didn't really want to be alone right now... Then again the middle of the night isn't really the most appropriate time for a tour. You didn't want to wake him up, just cause your feeling a little frightened. Though part of you if sure he wouldn't be too mad, probably love the opportunity to play hero.

You sighed and decided it was best to just leave. As you started away from his house however, you got the errie feeling of being watched. You froze, and looked around you slowly turning in a circle. After a few minutes of staring into the blackness and seeing nothing there, you decided it was safe to continue on. Still felt like you were being watched though.

As you walked further along into the village, something would happen to make you freeze up every few minutes. Creaking on the roofs, a Shadow whooshing by in the corner of your vision, a fire be lit or blow out, animalistic notices echoing around you, and of course the constant feeling of being watched.

You were very on edge, and felt like you were prey being hunted down by a dangerous predator. You were really considering running back and bursting into Snotlout's house right now for protection.

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Strike Edition Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now