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It's been two weeks. I know I know, i told Sid I would hook up with him, but I wasn't thinking straight. When I actually took the time to think about the deal, I knew I was in deep shit.

I've been avoiding Sid at school, I can't handle talking to him. What would I even say? 'Hey, wanna come to my place to hook up?' That sounds stupid.

Today I woke up, after a whole week of avoiding Sid and not answering his calls, and got ready for school. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and did my makeup. I grabbed a coffee and ran out of the door, already running late. Once I got to school I hung out at my locker until I had to go to class. The same class Sid has. Shit.

I walk in and I already feel his eyes on me. I avoid them. Class feels like it goes on forever, Sid's gaze doesn't falter once. Once class is finally over, I grab my stuff and run out the door.

As i'm heading to my locker, an arm pulls me into a dark abandoned hallway. I try to scream but a hand covers my mouth before I can get the sound out of my throat. I look to see who this attacker is. Oh shit. It's Sid.

"Why are you avoiding me?" His voice whispers huskily into my ear.

"I'm not" i say once he takes his hand off my mouth. He's uncomfortably close, with his hands holding my waist tightly, almost touching my ass.

" Mhm. Sure. So it's only a coincidence that you aren't answering my calls, or running away whenever we're in the same hallway." I barely heard a thing he said, focusing on the fact that his hands keep getting closer and closer to my ass.

"Yes." I say, clearly lying. I've never been a very good liar.

He laughs. Seeing straight through my words. His hands grip my ass. I gasp. He leans into my neck and starts gently sucking and kissing it. I give a muffled moan.

"Look at you, breaking under my touch." he says into my neck. His hands move from my neck and glide to my tits, groping them.

"You never answered my question, darling. Why are you avoiding me. We had a deal, but you never answered me." he says. leaning away from me, letting me catch my breath.

"I was drunk I had no idea what I was doing, and you just creeped up on me. I didn't know what to do." i say breathlessly.

"So, we could have talked about it. You didn't have to just ignore me." he says frustrated.

"I was confused, i'm not good at this sort of thing." i say.

"Is the plan still on, or are you too scared?" he says testing me. I'm not one to turn down a challenge, so that is the only reason I say,"It's still on."

"Good." he says with a smirk, leaning back into me, and placing his lips on my neck once again.

His hands find my tits again, and he starts to massage them. I give a moan as he leaves hickeys down my neck. His hands move away from my tits and find my skirt. He lifts it up and plays with my pussy outside of my panties. I moan.

"Be quiet. We don't want to get caught." he whispers huskily into my ear as he moves my panties to the side and starts to do figure eights around my clit. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. He starts to push us into an abandoned classroom so we can have more privacy.

His other hand lifts my shirt up and unclips my bra. He starts to suckle on my tits leaving hickeys.

"I-i'm gonna come." i say.

"Do it, come on my hand now." and at that moment my cum bursts out of me at an ungodly speed. As my cum drips down his hand he looks me in the eye and licks up all of my cum not leaving one drop to spare. I start to pull myself together and then I look at the clock. Shit. I missed a whole class. It's now time for lunch.

We both decide to leave a few minutes later than each other so it doesn't raise suspicion.

"Where have you too been, you weren't in class?" Michelle asks.

"The library." i say, Michelle looks like she doesn't believe me.

"Then why is your hair so messed up." she ask. Sid just smirks.

That night I decide to answer Sid.

'This saturday. My house. Don't be late.'

The One For Me {Sid Jenkins x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now