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Idk I just love this song

The week goes by quickly and me and Sid give each other subtle glances here and there. Before I know it its Saturday night and Sid should be here before I know it. I'm just laying on my bed when I hear a knock on my door.

"Hello," Sid says with a smirk when I open the door. I let him in and showed him around the house. He picks up a family photo with me and my parents.

"Is this you?" he asks as he lightly traces my frame.

"Yeah, that photo was taken about 3 years ago." I say wanting to get away from the topic.

"You look so different." he says mesmerized.

"Yep puberty does that to people." I say as he puts down the picture. I lead him to my room and we sit down on my bed. We sit there in an awkward silence, until I get an idea. I put my hand lightly on his thigh and slowly started to trail my hand higher and higher. He gives a sharp inhale of breath.

"Should we get started?" I whisper seductively into his ear. He just gives a light nod as my hand gets closer and closer to his dick. Just as my hand is about to touch his dick I stand up. I start to walk around my room  a little bit just to tease him. I never even noticed he got up until he pushes me against the wall.

"You think you can just tease me like that, huh?" he says as his hands roam my side.

"You will regret that once i'm done with you. Strip. Now." he says. I do as he says, turned on by his dominant side. Once i'm completely naked he looks me up and down.

"Good girl. Now get on your knees." I obey.

He unzips his pants and pulls out his dick. Which is much longer than what I expected. I gulp. I haven't done this sort of thing before. I slowly take his tip in my mouth and circle my tongue around it. He gives a groan and uses my hair to take more of him in. I start to gag but that only turns him on more. I slowly bob my head up and down on his long dick.

After a while his breathing becomes heavier and I can tell he's about to cum. I start to tease him by slowing down. He groans.

"Damn it y/n." he says as he forces my head to go faster. Without warning his cum shoots out of his dick and into my mouth.

"Swallow. All of it." he demands. He pulls me up by my arm.

"Lay down on the bed." I do as told. He starts to unclothe himself showing off his frame. He gets on top of me, and starts to kiss down my body. He kisses my inner thigh and slightly nibbles it. His mouth comes in contact with my slit and my back arches. His tongue licks my slit and I moan. He starts to suck on my clit.

"Look at you, being such a slut for me. You like this, don't you?" he asks, but my mind is too filled with pleasure to answer.

"Answer me." he says heatedly.

"Y-yes sir." I say as he licks along my clit. I can't contain my moans. Thank god my parents aren't home. I start to hump his face, unable to help myself. He pushes my hips back onto the bed and holds them there. I run my hands through his hair.

"I'm gonna cum." I say. I feel it about to shoot out of me.

"Do it. Release your sweet juices onto my face. And I do.

He pulls himself up and plunges his dick into me. It takes me a second to adjust to his size. When I do he starts to pump himself in and out of my pussy. He starts to get faster and I scream, digging my nails into his back. He groans a name I can't quite hear. Molly? Maggie?

"I'm gonna cum." I say.

"Let's cum at the same time." he says. He counts down from 3 and when he reaches 0 we both shoot our cum out. He flops down next to me, his breathing heavy. We lay there for a few minutes until he sighs and gets up. He starts to get dressed.

"Where are you going?" I ask. I thought he was stay longer than that.

"Home? Anyways, uh, thanks for this." he says and walks out the door leaving there lying on the bed naked, and feeling vulnerable.

I feel a bit disappointed, he is just leaving me right after fucking me? Wow. Now that's just low. I try and tell myself that I shouldn't feel sad, this was just a hookup, no strings attached. But I can't help it. I decide i'm probably just over reacting, so I get ready for bed.

I brush my teeth. get into my pajamas. turn off the lights and get into bed. As I'm laying there I realize what name Sid said.


MWAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger 🤭. I'm so evil. I'm actually quite proud of this chapter, I mean I was half asleep writing it but goddamn 😫. Sid is so hot I can't

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