Seigaku Vs Hyotei: Wrapping things up

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Okay, so my life is hectic I work 9-hour shifts Mon-Fri and I have school for 4 hours Mon-Thurs There really is no time to do much of anything. The good news is the chapters are already written I just need to edit them. With that said updates will be Fridays and Sundays. There are only 8 more chapters left in the story. Our time together with this story is coming to an end, but it shall begin anew with Book 2. I will no longer be putting in any A/N's until the final chapter. I would be happy to respond to comments still tho. Anyway thanks again to everyone who still follows this story I love you guys and enjoy!


Kaido was struggling. After telling Inui he would be the distraction he's been handling Mukahi's attacks non-stop. He already had a couple of slashes on his legs from barely being able to dodge some attacks.

What was taking Inui so long?

Suddenly the attacks stopped and Kaido looked around to find the reason. Mukahi was quickly flying towards where Inui was. He couldn't see clearly but it seemed Hiyoshi was kneeling.

Ah, that must have been why.

Kaido took a moment to breathe and hurried towards Inui. Mukahi became enraged and started to attack Inui for hurting Hiyoshi. Kaido ran up to Hiyoshi to check if he was out for sure. The next thing they needed was for them to lose focus on an opponent and then reappear at a crucial moment.

"It's just something to stop your movements, It won't kill you." Kaido reassured. Hiyoshi did seem unable to move anymore. How long did Inui say the poison lasted? No harm in being sure right?

"I knew it had to be something but I was not expecting to be stabbed with it." Hiyoshi laughed. "Good idea."

Kaido gave a forced smile. "Sorry about this." then hit the back of the boy's neck causing him to pass out. "Can't have you getting back up later"

He turned his attention toward Inui and Mukahi. Now to figure out how to end this to help the others.

Mukahi summoned a tornado and stood in the middle to use as a shield. Kaido walked up to Inui.

"I can't throw my needles with that in the way. He also counters every time I attempt to get through." Inui explained.

Kaido nodded. Before he could give his opinion the ground started to shake.

Mukahi was losing control over the spell because a crater started to form beneath his feet causing him to fall. Inui rushed ahead and jumped down. He would be defenseless but it could give him a chance to hit Mukahi with the needles.

Kaido followed but kept his body tight to get a faster falling speed. If Inui was unable to hit Mukahi then he had a plan, but he had to hit the ground at the same time or before the boy.

Mukahi, unprepared to fall, was panicking and throwing wind slice after wind slice blocking each needle coming his way. He managed to get a few attacks at Inui, but he lost track of Kaido very quickly. He turned his attention to the ground to make sure he timed the roll right so he would not get hurt.

In the time Mukai focused somewhere else Inui threw every needle he had at the other boy.

It was not enough though as Mukahi blocked with a wind wall. He steadied his body and summoned the tornado again.

But Inui stopped attacking. He did not have anything left, but there was no need to anyway. Kaido approached Mukai from behind and slashed his back with his nails. Mukai screamed in pain and fell to his knees.

Kaido felt bad, he was immune to his own venom so he never knew what it felt like but it never looked good. He quickly knocked Mukahi out and poured the antidote down the boy's throat.

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