"Okay that's all for now. We will continue after lunch." Ryuzaki-sensei said while erasing the board. "Oh and please be careful."
The entire class gathered their things and left the room one by one. Ryoma who had just woken up stretched in his seat before standing. He passed the teacher and was about to exit the classroom when he felt someone's eyes burning holes in his back. He stopped at turned around to see Ryuzaki looking at him like she wanted to say something. Ryoma nodded his head in a way that suggested she just spit it out.
"Ah Echizen I would like to ask you to stay behind for a moment there is matter in which I wish to speak with you about." She said nervously
Ryoma nodded again and walked over to her desk. The three students still left in the classroom at that time looked at them with curiosity, before finally leaving. There was this awkward moment of silence until Ryoma raised his eyebrow at the older woman. Then she suddenly bowed.
"I don't mean to intrude your Highness but I would like permission to ask a question." She sad still bowing.
Ryoma snarled. "First stand up. Second how did you know of my status?"
Ryuzaki stood up straight and smiled softly. "I knew your father."
"You did, but how?" he said shocked and confused.
She shook her head. "Unfortunately I can't say much more, you'll find out soon though."
His clicked his tongue. "Fine, but if you knew my father then you must stop acting so frightened of me."
She smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry it's just your reputation-"
"Is exaggerated and very irrelevant." He cut in. "what did you want to ask me?"
"Oh of course. Why would you come to the school and enroll as Human instead of a Vampire?"
Ryoma shrugged "Simple really I got bored."
Ryuzaki laughed hard and placed her hand on her stomach. "You're just like your father."
Ryoma glared and turned to walk away. "Was that all?"
She just smiled at him and nodded her head, then went back to her desk. Ryoma sighed. Once he stepped foot out the door though three students were leaning on a nearby wall waiting for him. Ryoma ignored then and tried to walk away. Key word tried. A hand had grabbed his wrist before he could even take another step.
"Ah Echizen, care to join us for lunch." Fuji asked.
Ryoma shook his head and yanked his arm away. Fuji looked surprised for a moment, but quickly recovered and pulled some rope out of nowhere. He jumped Ryoma, tied the boy up, and threw his new victim over his shoulder, casually walking away. One of the other two boys with brown hair and glasses rubbed his temples while sighing. The other boy with black hair and square shaped glasses was writing furiously in a note book muttering 'le data'. The three boys except the victim strolled through the hallways, not caring about the strange looks they were receiving. In the beginning Ryoma was struggling against the ropes, but he eventually gave up and attempted to fall asleep. Finally Ryoma was placed on the ground, when he opened his eyes he noticed that 8 other boys were surrounding him. One boy in particular looked surprised at the sudden development but soon grinned. Ryoma recognized him as the werewolf from this morning.
"Ah, you actually came." Momo said happily.
Ryoma just glared at him. He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by someone else.
"Momo you already know him?" Fuji asked.
"Yeah this is the brat that I texted you all about. The one that stood up against a Fairy." He said but turned to look at Fuji with a confused expression. "Wait why did you bring him here, I never told you guys who it was."

The Vampire Prince
FanfictionVampire Prince, Ryoma Echizen, becomes bored of the royal life and decides to go on vacation, leaving only a letter behind as a warning. He enrolls in a newly established school made for all the races; Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Hybrids, and Hum...