A/N: IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY! Okay, just a heads up but the ties in the school uniforms represent what race they are. Humans= dark green, Hybrids=dark blue, Fairies=dark purple, Werewolf=dark brown, Vampires=dark red. Also the term sempai is supposed to mean upperclassmen but I'm using in the sense toward someone who's in a higher ranking race, not year. Because the way I'm doing the school system it doesn't go by the normal standards, everyone from the same race is in the same class. The higher ranking races get more advances studies, it just shows the favoritism and social hierarchy. That's why a Human would call Hybrids, Fairies, Werewolves, and Vampires sempai but a Werewolf would only call a Vampire sempai. Hope that makes sense, it did in my head.
Somewhere at the Vampire Palace
"RYOMA!" A beautiful, long dark haired woman screamed. She was tall and slender, her head was down with straight cut bangs covering her eyes. She had her fist clenched at her sides, one hand clutching a piece of paper with a death grip. Several men came rushing in the room immediately, frantically looking for any signs of danger. Then a man in the front of the group took at step forward, a worried expression on his face.
"Ojousama, is everything alright?"
"Ryoma decided to take a vacation and gave an order for no one to go looking for him." The young woman replied shaking with fury.
The man sighed with relief, "oh, I thought someone had attacked and kidnapped the prince."
The woman shot her head up and turned to face the man, her purple eyes hardening "You don't think him basically running away is just as bad?"
The man stood tall, completely not affected by her attempt at intimidation "Ojousama the prince was always independent, he was bound to leave at some point. Just be glad he decided to notify us so no panic would arise."
The woman glared at the man for a few moments longer before she gave up and sighed. "You're right" she said walking towards the door, but suddenly stopped and a dark aura began to form around her body. "Just wait, when he gets back I will thoroughly punish him for ignoring his duties." She laughed evilly thinking of the many ways she would punish the prince and left the room.
The man just smiled "Good luck your highness." He whispered before following the rest out the room.
At the schoolIn front of the school gates there was a short young boy who had black hair with an emerald green hue, and golden cat like eyes. He wore a white undershirt with a dark green tie and black blazer. There was a name tag on the top left side of his blazer that said Ryoma Echizen. His hands were buried in the pockets of his black dress pants, and stood lazily with a bored expression on his face. Two other short boys with the same uniform as him were cowering behind his back, both worried and scared. One was named Katsuo Mizuno and the other boy was named Kachiro Kato. A taller boy stood hovering over them with a menacing look. He also wore the same uniform except his had a dark purple tie. His name tag said Masashi Arai.
"Brat, how dare you bump into me!" Arai yelled at the three boys.
"I'm v-very sorry A-Arai-sempai." Katsuo said with a hint of fear in his voice.
Ryoma just watched the scene amused with what's going on, not at all intimidated by the glare Arai was currently giving him.
"Sorry's not good enough!" He spat at Katsuo's face. Then Arai turned his attention towards Ryoma. "I don't like the look on your face. You lowly human shouldn't be acting above a Fairy."
Ryoma just smirked. "I though Fairies had more elegance."
Arai snarled and grabbed Ryoma by his collar "What did you say!"
Ryoma signaled the other two boys to run away and 'get help', then gave his full attention to Arai. "Mada mada dane" he replied with a sinister smile while his golden eyes started to glow.
Arai, startled at the sudden glowing let go and backed away from Ryoma. Fear and Confusion present in his eyes. Arai shook his head, the fear was lost and now only confusion remained in his expression. He eyed the boy carefully before coming to the conclusion it was just his imagination. Ryoma just stood still with a blank look, but his eyes showed hidden amusement.
Arai glared, frustrated with the lack of respect from a simple worthless human. However before he could even yell or tell the other boy off a hand was placed on his shoulder. Arai turned around to see a tall boy in the same uniform with spikey hair, Takeshi Momoshiro written on his name tag. His dark purple eyes were watching the human with burning curiosity. Arai stiffened after taking notice of his dark brown tie.
"Hmmm what do we have here?" Momoshiro said
Arai's face darkened upon remembering, "This Brat bumped into me and didn't apologize. I was just simply making sure he knew his place."
Ryoma frowned and opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by Momoshiro.
"Well no matter, everyone here is all still new and we will miss the opening assembly if this continues. Just let bygones be bygones no?" he said smiling but still kept his eyes on Ryoma, who was ignoring them and watching a nearby butterfly.
"I can't just let this slide, this filthy human is showing absolutely no respect to a Fairy!" Arai yelled.
Momoshiro turned his head toward Arai, eyes hardening "Oh? And is a Fairy now disobeying a Werewolf's order?" he growled out.
"O-Of course not M-Momo-sempai." Arai stuttered, frightened.
Momo smiled "Good, now go"
Arai shot a dirty look toward Ryoma and scurried off in a hurry. Ryoma shrugged and began to casually walk away. However a voice called out "you stay here" and a hand caught his arm. He slightly turned his head and nodded once to acknowledge the person who grabbed him, but didn't give them his full attention.
"You got guts boy" Momo said walking around to face the shorter boy.
Ryoma Smirked. "Aren't we going to be late, sempai?"
Momo busted up laughing, holding his stomach "I like you, meet me by the back gate during lunch."
"Yada." Ryoma replied glaring at the other boy.
"If you don't come ill hunt you down." Momo said before jogging off toward where Arai had gone earlier, not letting Ryoma get a chance to respond. "Don't think you could escape me!" he yelled back before he was too far away disappearing from sight.
Ryoma just sighed and slowly walked off, the ever present bored look across his face.
A/N: Another warning chapters will be a bit short but that means I get to update faster.

The Vampire Prince
FanfictionVampire Prince, Ryoma Echizen, becomes bored of the royal life and decides to go on vacation, leaving only a letter behind as a warning. He enrolls in a newly established school made for all the races; Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Hybrids, and Hum...