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It's been awhile since the last time Echizen was able to find one of his teammates alone somewhere, and it was becoming very frustrating. If he wanted to get all the facts before the School competition started then he needed to get everything done within this month.  That meant he must find the rest of his teammates alone fast. He only needed Kaido, Eiji, Taka-san, Oishi, Momo, And Fuji. There were those other two students not on Echizen's team that caught his attention that he wanted to know more about, but they could wait until later.

Echizen sighed, too many things to do and so little time. At least he finally handed Momo the finished written up wish idea. Although if he had to be honest... that was only a fake. A well thought-out and organized fake, but a fake nonetheless. It was mainly to appease Momo until he could gather the facts he wanted and create an even better idea. If Echizen's plan worked not only would the system be turned upside down but each individual's goal would be accomplished. However none of that can happen if he doesn't find the rest of his teammates damn it!

So instead of going straight home after practice Echizen decided to explore the school grounds. It's quite possible that some would stay after and practice some more, his teammates seemed like the determined type. He decided to go look around the different fields, and it was while he was wondering that he saw something that instantly lifted his mood.

There on the grass with his back against the tree was none other than Kaido. He was taking deep breaths to try and calm his breathing. It was obvious that not too long ago he was training really hard for several hours. The training regimen Inui gave Kaido was difficult but Kaido had added his own little touch as well. Too focused on calming himself Kaido did not notice Echizen approach and sit down on the grass in front of him.

"Just slashing about won't help much" Echizen said after he saw the many scratch marks on the trunks of the trees nearby. The bark where the scratches were made were darker in color and looked decayed. "Are your nails poisonous when transformed?"

Kaido blinked and looked up at echizen and nodded.

"In that case maybe slashing will work, but try with specific moments instead of just randomly."

"Did you come here just to say that?" Kaido asked already suspicious of the young Vampire.

Echizen shock his head and turned his head away so Kaido could not see his face. "I wanted to ask how it was like for you before you came to this school."

Kaido grunted in response. "Boring."

Echizen nodded, stood back up, and walked away giving Kaido a small wave goodbye.

See perfect reason for Kaido to be suspicious. Vampires are known to always have a purpose in the things they do. However what could asking that sort of question do for Echizen? Maybe he was actually trying to make an effort to get to know the team better, but then wouldn't he be more persistent? Oh well Kaido doesn't care, he just wants to get back to his training. Although he did not move from his spot, all he could think about is Echizen's question.

When he was younger Kaido's mother, a snake pure, and his father, a monkey pure, suddenly disappeared one day while he was relaxing by the river. For several days Kaido tried his best to locate where his parents went, but had no luck. Eventually he gave up and just decided to wait, believing that they would one day come back for him.

After several months of being alone Kaido found himself becoming the victim of bullying. At first he didn't care because it was only insults being thrown at him, but later the verbal abuse turned into something more physical. On a daily basis the other children in town would throw stones at his body, or push him to the ground and kick dirt in his face. As the weeks went by the abuse would get worse and worse.

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