Chapter 13

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I stripped myself of the clothes I was wearing and tucked them behind a random bush, I doubt I'd remember where I put them later.

As I shifted my paws felt heavy against the cold solid ground, I dragged them for a few seconds before managing to break out into a light trot before I started running, cold air nipped at my ears and I had a sudden longing to go home.

Quickly I ran across the snow, taking time to occasionally roll in it before continuously going back to running, I pricked my ears to try to pick up sounds of anyone else as I quickly went to retrieve my clothes.

Praying nobody else went back to get their clothes first I went back to where we had put them.

Relief flooded me as I saw my clothes next to three pairs of others.

They haven't come back here yet.

I didn't take the time to shift back and changing, I grabbed my clothes and bolted back towards my house hoping I wouldn't run into anymore.

I bursted through my door, I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, I locked it behind me and shifted back, tossing my clothes to the side, I went upstairs and changed into pajamas, laying down into my bed.

My mind ran quickly before it suddenly turned blank, I slowly closed my eyes, I felt exhausted.

I woke up with a start as I heard banging on the front door, then the door was slammed open, I let out a low grown before my bedroom door was burst open, I let out a long sigh as I saw it was just my dad, followed by Lexi.

I frowned, "What the fuck man. What was that for?" My dad quickly glanced over me.

"Are you okay?" He asked slowly, I nodded slowly in response.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because!" Lexi said suddenly, "There was this body all ripped up in the woods and you went off on your own-"

"I don't want to hear about that..." I grumbled, "I didn't hear it" I said more quietly, "Stop telling me things I don't want to know."

My father scowled, "We were just worried about you, don't be so ungrateful that we care."

I tiredly rubbed my hand through my hair, "..Sorry..." I muttered, "It's just not the first thing you want to here after coming back alone from the woods."

Lexi smiled softly, "Understandable."

"Mm." My dad didn't seem convinced, I let out a long sigh.

"I'm okay, see?" I asked, my dad huffed but didn't reply.

"..Let's go somewhere tomorrow!" Lexi said after a few awkward moments, "We haven't just hung out regularly since I've came back, we need to get together again!"

Going out more wasn't what I wanted right now, "Sounds good, can't wait." I replied in a monotone voice, Lexi looked disappointed.

"Or.. we don't have to if we don't want to..." She muttered, I forced a smile.

"No I want to! Sorry, I'm still halfway asleep." Lexi looked a bit more relieved.

"Ah, alright" she smiled, my father walked over looking me over.

"Ryan I'm serious-" he froze for a second, "...You should be careful..." He said slowly, I froze.

What's wrong with him all the sudden?

"Lexi, you should go check on Bernie, he was left to patrol the area."

Lexis nose twitch, as if she knew my father didn't care about what the hell Bernie was doing, "Sure.." she said slowly, "I'll see you later Ryan." I nodded and she turned and left, I turned towards my father.

"Why are you suddenly acting strange?"

"Am I?"

"..yes..." My eyes followed him as he took a seat on the bed.

"I think you've been acting strange lately, no?" He asked, I frowned.

"You're scaring me."

"Where were you before?" He asked, I narrowed my eyes.

"No fucking way...Are you trying to question me?"

"Don't cuss at me, just answer the question."

"The same place you were!" I snapped, my dad frowned.

"Except you weren't."

"Why the hell are you accusing me all the sudden? I've lived here for my entire fucking life! You KNOW me! I'm your SON!" I snapped, my voice started to rise higher.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He snapped back, "You smell, you know."

I frowned, "What do you mean, I smell the same as always, a little sweaty maybe but-"

"Nobody else might have noticed, because they weren't close enough to notice, but I was right there. I remember his scent."

"Who's scent?!" I snapped, "Stop talking like that, get to the point."

"You smell like the wolf that's killing everybody, and you managed to escape him once, but now that I think about it, were you ever really in danger?"

I froze, "..What the hell is wrong with you? You've gone fuckin mad...I smell the same as always."

"But you don't." He said, he stared at me intently, "So, how did you manage to escape?"

"I ran! Like anyone else would have! It's not my fault you all decided to stay and try a fight you were never going to win!"

"Did you kill her?"

"No!" I let out a low growl, "I think you should leave, you're spouting nonsense." Though I had a feeling he was right, I probably did smell a lot like Reed, his scent probably rubbed off on me, and since my father had been fighting him before, he would remember his scent, I stood up and tried to leave.

"Sit down, Ryan."

"No, come talk to me when you're normal again."

My father stood up, "I said sit down." I didn't listen and continued to walk, I walk faster when I heard his footsteps behind me, I quickened my pace again, once I reached the door I quickly shifted without taking the time to change, leaving my clothes ruined on the floor.

I took off, I felt my heart beat against my chest as I heard pawsteps follow after me, I continued to run hoping he would stop, but he just got closer, as we entered the forest, I let out a low growl, he growled in return.

Finally I slid to a stop and turned around letting out a warning growl.

Go away.

His eyes flashed, he wasn't going to back down.

I began to wonder if my father was actually blaming me, and if he was really going to try to attack me right here.

He stalked closer, letting out a low growl.

I stared at him.

Would you attack me?

I watched him quickly come closer.

You would. Of course you would.

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