Chapter 20

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Ryans pov

I lifted my head as familiar footsteps approached, Reed soon stood in front of me, I stared at him confused.

Where did he get those clothes from?

As if he could hear my thoughts, he answered, "What? I keep clothes around too, recently anyway."

I slowly closed my eyes, he pushed me with his foot, "You're gonna sleep here?" He asked bending down, "Sleep back at my den."

I let out a huff and slowly dragged myself to my feet, I had a few questions I wanted to ask, most importantly, what had he done in there?

I don't know if it was because I was tired, but the walk back to his den didn't feel that long, and I fell asleep almost instantly after changing, I slowly opened my eyes back, Reed laid close by, his eyes were closed.

He wore a dark grey jacket and loose fitted basketball shorts, my eyes slowly moved down his chest.

Have I always thought muscular guys looked attractive?

I slowly moved closer to him, "Reed?..." His eyes didn't open, I examined him more closely, not that I cared to pay too much attention before, but he had long brown eyelashes, I ran my hand over them.

"Soft.." I moved my hand back and laid my head next to his, quickly jumping back as his eyes opened.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked with a yawn, he sat up, I frowned.

"What did you do yesterday?" I asked, he cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asked, he dragged himself to his feet and began to walk towards the dens entrance, I quickly scrambled after him.

"I-Im serious! I don't want to get in trouble!"

"How much trouble can you be in?" He asked, I scoffed.

"Gee, I sure wonder..." I muttered, I almost ran into him as he suddenly stopped, he turned around in a swift second, "What..?"

"So when are you gonna complete the bond with me?"

I froze, "Huh...?"

He frowned, "Geez, crying for me yesterday, you could at least do it again for a better reason, no?" He smirked but quickly turned back around, "How long am I gonna have to risk my life being here?" He fake whined, my ears felt hot.

"You didn't answer my question..." I muttered, keeping my head down, "What did you do yesterday?"

A long sigh escaped his mouth as he moved out of the way and looped around me, "Just said a few things here and there, nothing important" his back cracked as he stretched up.

"What's a few things?.." I grumbled, he let out a long exaggerated sigh.

"You ask a lot of questions, wanna answer mine? Hmm?" He smirked, I stopped for a few seconds, but before I could answer a wolf emerged from a nearby bush.

A familiar soft grey pelt appeared, their ears pinned down to their head, a pair of clothes hung just barely in her mouth.


Her blue eyes stayed on the ground, part of me felt relief seeing her again, and the other part felt guilty for yelling at her in the first place, my eyes shifted towards Reed, he didn't look all too excited.

Mia shifted and changed in the amount of time it took me to blink, her fingers twitched by her side, she opened her mouth to speak but Reed spoke first.

"What?" He growled, Mia didn't look up, I quickly rushed forward.

"Ah..! Are you okay? How've you been?" I asked, I put my hand on Reeds shoulder and slowly tried to push him back.

Only now due Mia slowly look up, "You're not mad at me anymore?.." she asked, avoiding Reeds gaze, "I was just gonna apologize.."

"No it's fine, I'm sorry," I tried to smile but I wasn't sure how sincere it came off, truly I was angry at the time for her mentioning Reed to Lexi, but it quickly faded away.

I jumped as Reed suddenly pulled me into him, "Why is she always here?" He muttered into my ear, I huffed.

"She was only here once," I grumbled, Mia avoided her gaze once again, I slipped away from Reed and approached her, she began to speak again.

"I'm sorry about er- last time, so I tried to fix it, but honestly I think I just made it worse... Or maybe better?.. I'm really not sure how you'd feel about it, I kinda just went with it..." She rambled, my eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

My nose twitched as I now sat with Mia in the woods near my house, we had left awhile ago and had requested Reed stayed behind.

"I still don't understand why we had to come all the way back here.." I grumbled, swiping my arm across my nose, Mia fidgeted.

"Well, that guy scares me," she muttered, "I feel like he would definitely try to kill me if he heard..." She let out a long sigh, I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck,

"He just has a....mean looking face," I forced out a small laugh, "But why would he want to kill you? It's not like you did anything that bad..." My throat began to feel a bit dry.. "Did you...?"

Mia was quiet for a few seconds, "Well, I guess it just depends on what you define as bad, like I said..." I frowned,

"You're not answering me, what happened?" I asked again, panic began to settle into my chest.

"Well I ran into your friends... And your parents, they were talking about you, so I asked them about you and then they asked me about you and ..." She rambled once more then stopped, avoiding my gaze.

I grabbed her shoulders so she couldn't look away any longer, "Mia please!" I begged, "W-what did they say? What did you say?"

She fiddled with her fingers, "Well, they started talking about how they think you're evil, and so your friend said that your mate was some evil guy that tried to kill her so I..."

"So you what?" I rasped, I let my head drop, "Stop pausing,"

She sniffed, "W-well I didn't want that to spread, and I didn't want them to believe it and you get in trouble so I"

I scowled, "You said WHAT Mia?" I growled, losing patience.

She let out a forced awkward giggle, "Well I just said it was impossible because um, I said you were MY mate..."

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