Chapter 14

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I let out a loud snarl and kept walking back, I started putting some distance in-between us, but he continued to come closer.

As I saw him get ready to jump I prepared for impact, when he slammed into me I wrapped my paws around him neck, pulling his head down while I allowed my body to collapse, causing us both to roll.

The air was filled with growls and snarls as we snapped at each other, I held in a yelp as I felt his claws slice down my back, I felt the blood start to slick down my fur.

I sunk my teeth into his shoulder, his warm blood filled my mouth, it wasn't pleasant, but I held on, my father began to twist, I felt pain creep into my jaw as he did so, causing me to let go.

He jumped on my back so I collapsed once more, turning my head, I sunk my teeth into his throat, pain continued to shoot through my back.

I felt him stiffen, I could kill him right now if I wanted to, it wouldn't be hard.

I couldn't shake the thought.

He attacked me first, why would it matter if I decided to rip out his throat?

I let him go and he dropped to the floor, quickly scrambling to his paws, we both stood, still, the fight was short, but a lot of damage was done.

Our relationship is what has been damaged the most.

I heard a low growl, it didn't come from my father, both of our heads snapped in the direction of where the sound came from, our beta, David, his wolf was large with a thick, cream colored pelt, his usually soft brown eyes looked dark and angry.

He quickly scurried towards us, snapping at both of us in turn, I let out a huff, turning around I began to walk off, ignoring the pain that pulsed in my wounds, I heard David call after me, but I ignored him, allowing my head to sink towards the ground.

I continued to walk, dragging my paws along the ground, after what felt like forever, but I doubt was more than a bit over thirty minutes, I slowly slinked down into the ground, closing my eyes, feeling the ache in my body hit me more, but was somehow relaxing as I was no longer moving.

I opened my eyes again at a sound of approaching pawsteps, but the pattern of walking was not one I recognized.

I stared as a stranger appeared, she didn't seem very threatening though, a small plain soft grey shewolf, she tilted her head in curiosity.

I slowly closed my eyes again, she slowly stepped closer and sniffed my forehead, it was softly for a second before I felt her tongue touch one of the large scratches on my back, I let out a loud yelp and shot up to my feet.

I snapped at her, she flinched back, I let out a warning growl, and sunk back down to the ground, she didn't leave.

I opened an eye and glared at her, her tail started to wag, like we were friends, I heard her bones crack as she shifted back, I frowned, and closed my eyes again.

"Hello!" She said happily, I ignored her, "How'd you get hurt?" She asked, I continued to say nothing, "Did you get into a fight with another rogue?" She asked more, "Are you okay? Do you need help? What's your name?" She continued to shoot out questions, I let out a loud huff.

Doesn't she ever shut the fuck up? I'm not in the mood to talk right now, can't she see that? Or is she fucking blind?

She continued to yap in my ear, I opened my eyes again and took in her face, she couldn't have been any older than 19, soft blue eyes with long light colored hair, I closed my eyes once more.

"HEY?" She said loudly, "Are you okay? Should I help you?" I got up and started walking away, she shifted back and followed me, I turned my back towards her, and let out another growl, she let out a soft whimper.

I turned my head back around and continued to walk off, not caring anymore that she continued to follow.

I sniffed the ground trying to find the familiar scent of wet lands and nearby water, the shewolf walked too close for comfort, I've never seen her before, but I could tell she was from around here.

I managed to find a small river, and stepped in, letting the water drench my fur, the river colored turned red as it washed the crusted blood off my pelt.

I'd have to return home eventually, tomorrow maybe.

The she wolf sat down and watched, I shifted back and glared at her, "Can I help you." I asked, though it didn't come out as a question.

She jumped forward and jumped back before sitting down again, her tail thumped on the ground.

I sunk deeper into the water, only my head remained above it, slowly she dragged herself into the water and shifted back, only her head stood out of the water.

"..What's your name?" She asked, her voice was slightly high pitched.

I stared at her for a few moments, "Where do you come from?" I asked, she looked surprised that I was talking with her.

"Ah! I live a few miles away from her..I just felt like I wanted to travel this way for some reason! You must be the reason why!" She giggled, I frowned.

"Who do you live with?"

"Ah, it's just me, that's why I'm glad I met someone else out here," she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something else, but I continued.

"Your name?"

"Miami, but I don't really like that name, so Mia for short."

"...Ryan." I said after a few moments, I ran my hand through my wet black hair.

"You have pretty eyes!" She said suddenly, "They're a nice shade I mean, sorry if that came off weird."

I closed my eyes and held in a laugh, "They're just brown, but thanks anyway." Suddenly I caught a familiar scent, I opened an eye.

I wonder how long he's been there.

"Reed." I hummed, his large wolf trotted out, he stepped into the water, Mia flinched back and began to move backwards, she looked horrified.

Reed kept his eyes on her as he stopped at my side, shifting back, he still his cold glare on her.

I awkwardly cupped water in my hands and poured it on his head.

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