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once the group got to the dock, it was already dark. all the boys began taking their shirts off, and stripping into their underwear to swim. marianne and amélie looked away in disgust.

"are we really going to do this?" amélie whispered nervously. she was clutching marianne's hand.

"i guess so."  marianne snickered. she was blushing hard. she began stripping down too.

"come on, amé!" meeks yelled from behind them.

she shyly let go of mariannes hand, and began stripping down to her bra and underwear.

"oh my god!" marianne laughed

"so embarrassing." amé whispered.

neil simply looked at her with a big smile.

"ok, come on!" amé yelled, and began running to jump off the dock. everyone looked at her in awe as she dived off the dock.

"it's so cold."

"guys, come on!" neil motioned, jumping in after her. she couldn't but admire him.

but then, everyone followed in behind neil, splashing amélie as they jumped off the dock.

"stop, stop!" she laughed, holding her hands up. she was shivering.

neil hip checked her jokingly, sending her into the water. it gave her butterflies. once she finally managed to pull her head up from under the water, he was already wrestling with charlie.

"oh my god, will you guys stop it already?" marianne rolled her eyes, making charlie immediately stop.

"sorry baby." he purred, swimming over to marianne and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"ew." pitts said jokingly, getting a dirty look from charlie.

"right?" meeks agreed, laughing along.

"get a room!"

"aw, come on now..." charlie rolled his eyes, letting go of marianne. if there was anything he cared about, it was being embarrassed in front of his friends. marianne scoffed.

"alright, leave them alone. charlie's probably already got a hard-on." neil laughed.

"oh i'll kill you." charlie shook his head, laughing.

"alright. stop joking around." amélie gently held up a hand to charlie, chuckling. neil placed a hand on her shoulder, sending volts all down her body. she was about to lose it. she could feel his fingers playing with her bra strap.

he stuck his thumb under it and snapped it, beginning to laugh after realizing what he had done. "oh my gosh!"

"i'm sorry." he placed a hand over his mouth, covering his grin. amélie gave him a dirty look and held onto her shoulder.

"well jesus neil!" charlie and knox both said. all the boys were trying hard not to laugh at amé's tomato face. even marianne was laughing.

"are you okay amélie?" todd quietly asked. he had a small smile on his face. he talked quietly, and looked embarrassed that he was even asking this after what happened.

"yeah, at least you care unlike some people!" amélie scoffed, turning towards neil. she had a joking tone to her voice.

"come on darling! i was only joking." he whined, in a more serious tone. he pulled amé into a hug, which turned into him picking her up and dunking her into the water.

"i fucking hate you." amé blushed as he put her down. she rarely swore.

"let's play shoulder wars!" meeks yelled out, climbing onto pitts' shoulders. amélie watched as everyone else found a partner.

"come on guys, this is not fair!" cameron groaned. he was the only one without a partner. "charlie and neil, you guys don't have to partner up with your girlfriends! they don't even have to play."

"don't be messing around about their ladies, cam." knox sternly said, getting a nod from neil and charlie. it was obvious cameron wasn't trying to be funny. by the whiny tone in his voice, he was 100% serious.

"why don't you just not play? it's obvious no one wants you to, you would've had a partner already." marianne scoffed. she was so witty, so confident. charlie kissed her on the cheek, before hoisting her onto his shoulders.

"i can't believe you guys!" cameron growled, storming off and going to watch them from the dock. amélie snickered. neil helped her get onto his shoulders, which made her stomach flutter. she ran her fingers through his hair as they waited for the others to get into position.

"okay, go!" todd yelled. it was the loudest amé had ever heard him. immediately she was being pushed at. she stuck out her hands in front of her to push back. she pushed marianne over, sending her flying off of knox's shoulders.

"jesus amélie! would you stop?" marianne shrieked as she splashed into the water.

"it's the game marianne!" amélie laughed, continuing to play. eventually meeks pushed her over and she flew back into the water.

"fucking hell."

WRITER IN THE DARK , neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now