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AMÉLIE WOKE UP, the sun streaked across her face. she had a smile on her face as she realized what day it was. her birthday. she was 18. finally free to do whatever she wanted. she could hear sizzling outside her door, coming from the kitchen. she followed the sound, and was greeted by a sweet smell.

"i didn't expect you to be up this early." neil frowned as he saw her walk in, a frying pan in his hand.

"did my dad let you in?" she groggily asked, rubbing her eyes and letting them adjust to the light.

"yeah, he just told me not to burn down the kitchen and went back to bed." neil chuckled. he flipped a pancake swiftly, and placed it onto a plate next to him.

"it smells really good, thank you." amé quickly ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, grabbing for his hand.

"come on, don't burn yourself on the pan." neil blushed, gently pushing her hand away from the frying pan and placing it down on the hot element. "happy birthday." he grinned, planting a kiss on her head.

"thank you." amélie grinned, hugging him tighter as he cooked.

"marianne's coming over too, you don't own any whipped cream." he explained as he went to reach for another plate.

"thank you, let me help you with-" amélie went to grab it for him but was immediately cut off.

"don't, today is about you." neil shook his head, grabbing her arm lightly. with a blush, amé obeyed and sat down in the dining room.

with a burst of energy, marianne entered the front door without a knock. "i bought whipped cream! neil, you owe me like 3 dollars."

she was taken aback once she saw amé sitting in the dining room. "amélie! why are you awake! go back to bed!" she scolded.

"too late, i already know what you two are up to." amé smiled, making marianne roll her eyes.

"it's your birthday, you should be sleeping in." mari argued, crossing her arms together.

"i know, but i'm not one for sleeping in." amélie shrugged. marianne handed the can she was holding to neil.

"fine, whatever you say. you just better not be tired at your party." she shook her head, making neil immediately shoot her a dirty look.

"my party?" amélie asked, confused. she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the two.

"marianne!" neil groaned, flipping the pan again.

"my party?" amé asked again, this time with joy. neil and marianne exchanged glances quickly.

"no, i mean, you're having a party, right!" marianne quickly tried to cover up her slip up with a lie.

neil scoffed at her attempt. "you can't lie your way through this."

"yes i can, watch me!" she whispered loudly, a cheesy grin on her face.

"what are you two talking about?"

"we set up a surprise party for you." neil admitted, his shoulders dropping in disappointment.

"oh my god." amélie gushed, cracking a smile on her face. her body filled with excitement.

"but marianne ruined it with her big mouth!" he continued, quietly gesturing towards marianne.

"neil, shut your trap!" she yelled back, scrunching her nose at him.

"you first!" he replied, making amé laugh.

"stop you guys! no fighting on my birthday!" she quickly tore up the argument.

her two friends looked at eachother, and decided there was nothing they could do. "fine."

WRITER IN THE DARK , neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now