chapter - 1

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Seokjin, taehyung and Jimin lives together in rented small apartment.
Seokjin and taehyung's parents died in a car accident when they were a child. Their custody went to Jimin's parents who were already disliking the fact that they have a Omega son.
While growing up three of them were very close taking care of each other Jimin.
wake up taehyung, it's time for your college. " said jimin as he tried to wake him up.

Taehyung quickly sat up and looked at the clock. " omg I don't to be late today. Thank you so much jiminie " taehyung and kissing jimin's cheeks.

Jimin made a disgusting face and said " eww first brush your teeth idiot. "

Taehyung again kissed him, went inside the bathroom giggling.

Jimin went outside and saw jin serving breakfast. He went to help him but jin glared at him and said " just sit and eat your breakfast. "

" I told you to quit your job didn't I jimin. You look so tired. I will take care of all the expenses just like before. " said jin sitting beside jimin.

" it's fine hyung. Things are getting expensive day by day. And it's the right time for me to start working. The cafe is very popular they said if I work properly .this job will be permanent." jimin smiled. He knows how hard jin work to give him and taehyung a good life. And he wanted to help him.

" but still I am earning enough for both of you. I don't want to see you work in a cafe in your whole life. I know that I didn't fulfill all of your and taehyung's dreams. But I am trying my best.... "

Jimin didn't let jin didn't finish he get up and went to hug him. " You are giving us the best life that's enough for us. We don't need anything else. "

" but I am still lacking... " mumbles jin.

Taehyung joined them in the table when he started talking about jeon Namjoon.

Jeon Namjoon, for taehyung he is like a god of business. He is the CEO of jeon industries and also from royal family. The royal family owns half of the Seoul.

Taehyung admire him saying how he is litterly alone handling all the royal business alone. That to without making any mistakes. He is biggest businessman . Taehyung always talk about how one day he wanted to work with him. Taehyung is very intelligent and he was toper in his class. He wanted to study about business. But he never told jin knowing they couldn't afford it.
But he didn't have to tell jin he already admitted taehyung to one of most prestigious university in Seoul. Taehyung wasn't ready to go because he knew how much money it will take. Only rich people can afford going to this university. But jin and Jimin both made taehyung understand.
Taehyung promised himself that day that he will become earn lots of money and give  jin and Jimin a life they deserves.

It's really hard for an omega to live in this society without any parents. Here for everything from education to job you need a good family background. If you don't then people don't trust you respect you. Only jin knows how difficult it was for him to raising Jimin and taehyung.
They both couldn't go to middle school for one and a half years that's why they are older than the other students. Even though they don't look older but those who knows about them always called them with different names and make fun of them.

" don't you think jin hyung taehyung is extra happy today while going to uni. " said Jimin. He noticed how energetic taehyung looks.

" hyung.....You know me too well. " said taehyung pouting.

" what's so special about today? " asked jin.

" today my god is coming to our uni. I am so happy... Do you know hyung. He is coming as a guest with a offer. We were assign to make a project on jeon industries. They will choose five best projects and will show to Mr jeon. And the student who will make the best project will get to work with jeon industries. Can you believe it hyung.
I wanted to get the job then surprise you guys. " said taehyung happily. He is really happy that he is meeting jeon Namjoon.
" tae, don't be disappointed if you don't get the job. I am sure your project is best but maybe they already have a fixed winner. There are students who's father's knows Mr Namjoon. You never know if they requested him or something. " said jin. He didn't want to make taehyung sad but he is well aware of this things. Nowadays it doesn't matter if you have talent if you have a good family background you will be the first choice.

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