chapter - 13

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The next day three brothers get ready. Namjoon called jin and told him they are coming to pick them up.

Taehyung and jimin both were nervous. Jimin was nervous because it will be the first time he will meet Jeon yoongi. Ofcourse he saw yoongi's picture, he looked really handsome but he also heard that yoongi is very short tempered he just hope he don't make yoongi angry with his actions.
He will start crying there if yoongi scold him.

Taehyung on the other hand didn't know what to expect from jungkook. They just met once that too in a condition where they didn't had any control over themselves. He just hope he isn't a Jerk.

Jin got a massage from namjoon saying they are waiting for them outside.

Jin went outside and saw namjoon standing infront of his car. He gave him a gentle smile.

There was another car beside him, where yoongi was sitting.

" How are you jimin? " Asked namjoon.

" I am good." Answered jimin.

" You have go in that car. Yoongi is waiting for you. " Said namjoon gesturing jimin to come come with him. Jimin looked at his brothers and nervously went behind namjoon.

Namjoon opened the door for jimin. After jimin sit on the car he closed the door and told the driver to drive.

Jimin sat on the corner of the sit nervously while slightly glancing at yoongi who was reading a magazine who didn't even bother to look at him.

On the other side jin asked namjoon if they are going on a different place. Namjoon Said he sent jimin with yoongi alone so they could get to know each other without disturbance.

Namjoon first opened the door for taehyung who get inside in the back where jungkook was sitting plying game with his phone.

Jin Sat beside namjoon who started driving.

Namjoon keep glaring at jungkook who was behaving like they don't exist.

" Taehyung, don't hesitate to tell us if you are not feeling well. Remember your health is our first priority. " Said namjoon.

Taehyung nodded smiling he relieved that his jin hyung will get married to this caring person.

Namjoon asked taehyung about his business plans and other things while taehyung happily answered them. Jin smilied seeing taehyung happy.

On the other hand jimin didn't know if he should say something to start the conversation. He is a shy person he is not really good at socializing.

Suddenly the car stopped making jimin come forward because of the impact. Jimin thought he his head will bump into the front sit but to his surprised he felt a hand in his forehead stopping him from getting hurt.

Jimin again sat on his privious position muttering a soft " thank you."

"  you didn't put your seatbelt. " Said yoongi making jimin jumped in surprise.

" I don't know how to.. " said jimin with difficulty.

He heard a sigh from yoongi as suddenly he suddenly felt yoongi coming close to him.

He felt himself sinking in his seat.

Yoongi helped jimin to put on his seatbelt.

" Are you scared of me ? " Asked yoongi.

Jimin's eyes widen as he looked at yoongi. What he should say yes that will sound so rude.

Yoongi could feel jimin's stare. He looked at jimin make jimin more nervous.

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