chapter - 33

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One month later

Taehyung came to his room after handing taeguk to jin. Jin said he wanted to keep taeguk with him tonight.

He saw jungkook doing some online shopping for gukkie.

He went to the bathroom and got freshen up. He went to the bed and sat besides jungkook.

Jungkook looked at him and asked him with a serious face " why don't you wear shorts anymore? "

" I just don't feel like it. " Taehyung answered nervously. He felt like he gained little weight after his delivery.
He also have a scar now on his stomach. He wonder if jungkook will found him unattractive now. Even though they are married they haven't done anything intimate yet, they have their whole lives in front of them.

" Why ? I miss your sexy tan legs. " Said jungkook making taehyung came out of his thoughts.

" You are shameless. " Said taehyung and was about to switch off the light,
Jungkook pinned him in the bed with his body and said " are you sure it's just me who is shameless. If I remember properly you were also drooling while looking at my bare body when I was giving gukkie a bath yesterday."

Taehyung widen his eyes hearing this he didn't thought jungkook noticed him when he was looking at him. He blushed and hide his face in jungkook's chest.

Jungkook laughed and teased him more saying " you can just ask me you know I will gladly show you my everything. "

Taehyung was speechless hearing jungkook. He felt so embarrassed to even look at jungkook.

Jungkook lowered his head and kissed taehyung's cheeks " do you know how tempting you look while blushing."

" Stop..." Taehyung put his hand jungkook's mouth to stop him.

To his surprise jungkook kissed his hand and said" no I won't. "

Taehyung looked at jungkook and cupped his face.

" Do you remember our first meeting jungkook? Did I satisfy you that night ?" Asked taehyung embarrassed but also desparate for the answer. No matter how much he try he can't forget that Omega's words.

Jungkook was shocked hearing this from taehyung, he didn't expect him to ask this.

" The question should be other way around too don't you think? " Asked jungkook making taehyung sigh.

" I don't remember everything properly so just answer me.." Said taehyung getting frustrated.

" Do you want me tell you everything in detail? " Asked jungkook making taehyung shook his head in embarrassment.
" Not just tell me, was I a good partner in bed ?"

" No.... " Jungkook answered with a serious face making taehyung's heart clench.

" You are not good, you were amazing. You were so innocent but needy at the same time. I get hard everytime I remember that night. " Said jungkook making taehyung a blushing mess.

" I answered your question now you have to answer mine. Was I a good partner? " Asked jungkook wiggling his eye brows.

" I wasn't in my sense that day so I don't remember everything. It was painful since it was my first time. " Said taehyung pouting.

" Then what about doing it again? You don't know how badly I want to make love with you. " Said jungkook kissing taehyung's neck.

" We don't have protection right now " Said taehyung in a low voice but jungkook heard it. He looked at taehyung and said " who said we don't have protection ? We have lube too. Wait what? You mean you don't mind..."

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