chapter - 23

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Taehyung pointed towards his classroom knowing jungkook will not listen to him.

Jungkook gently put him in his seat and looked around only to everyone on the class looking at them with their open mouth.

Jungkook sat besides taehyung and asked " where are your friends? "

Taehyung frown and looked at jungkook " why do you want see my friends? "

" Don't look at me like that. I was just asking. " Said jungkook making taehyung pout.

" I don't have any friends. I thought I had one but.... " Taehyung didn't complete and sighed.

" It's time go outside and wait for me. " Said taehyung making jungkook nod.

When jungkook went out a student came near tae and said " h...i tae..hyung! How are you ? "

Taehyung greeted his teeth hearing this from a boy who only used to talk bad about him behind his back.

He wanted ignore him like always but then he decided to answer " I was doing really well until you started talking to me. "

The boy felt embarrassed and looked down.

Taehyung was satisfied with his answers he submit his answersheet and went out of the class.

Taehyung reached the parking area happily but frowned seeing some students infront of jungkook's car.

They were looking at jungkook who had his headphones on and was playing video games on his tab.

Taehyung felt like punching them in their faces and tell them that jungkook is his husband they are not allowed to look at like this.

" Excuse me. " He almost screamed making all the students look at him.

He glared at them and entered the car. Jungkook looked at him and stopped playing.

" Stop looking at me and start the car."

Taehyung opened the boxes jin gave him and started eating. He looked at jungkook who was driving and put a sandwich infront of him.

Jungkook looked at him and took a bite.

" Are we going home? " Asked taehyung he don't want to go home yet.

" Yes. " Jungkook replied taking another bite.

" Can't we go somewhere else for a while? Like in a park ? " Asked taehyung while pouting.

' cutest ' thought jungkook seeing taehyung's face.

" What will I get in return if you take you somewhere else. " Asked jungkook smirking.

" What do want in return? " Asked taehyung while looking outside still pouting. He really wants to go outside for a while. He was tired of worrying about his exam and wanted go out and relax for a moment.

" I will tell you later but u can't back away from your words. " Said jungkook making taehyung sigh in irritation.

" Finnnee I won't back away from my words. But only if we will also have dinner outside. " Said taehyung making jungkook smirk even more.

" Don't you think you should slow down our car little bit. " Said taehyung jungkook was driving with almost full speed.

" No I don't think so. " Answered jungkook making taehyung sigh.

" Where are we going? " Asked taehyung after a while when he realise their wasn't any car around them anymore.

" You will see when we will reach there. " Answered jungkook and keep driving.

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