chapter - 20

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Next day jungkook woke up late, he sat up looked at taehyung's side. To his surprise he didn't found him.

He brush his teeth and took a shower after that he went downstairs only to see taehyung talking with minje.

Minje noticed jungkook and said " good morning jungkook. "

" Young master " corrected jungkook with a cold voice. He then sat on the sofa and picked out a magazine.

" Sorry young master. " Said minje and looked at taehyung who felt really bad for him.

" Taehyung, what do you think it will be a alpha or omega ? " Asked minje making jungkook angry.

" If I am the young master in this house then my husband will be youngest master if you didn't realise " said jungkook making taehyung angry.

" Minje don't listen to him. You can call me anything you want. About your question I don't know and I don't care what the is gonna be, I just want him to be healthy. " Said taehyung.

Namjoon came there and wished minje good morning.

" Good morning sir. " Said minje.

" I told you minje call me hyung when we are outside of my office. " Said namjoon and sat down picking up a newspaper.

" It's my habit to call you sir, I can't change it now. " Said minje glancing at jungkook because jungkook don't like it if anyone call namjoon hyung.

" Hyung ? " Called Taehyung making namjoon looked at him.

" Actually I wanted to ask you you remember hyung's birthday right? "

" Ofcourse I remember don't worry about it. " Said namjoon making taehyung smile.

" Sir, breakfast is ready. " Said one of the servent and all them went towards dinning table.

" Hi minje. " Said yoongi as he saw him.

" Hello. "

" It's good that you came here dispite what happened with you last time. " Said yoongi making taehyung, jin and jimin curious.

" What happened with him ? " Asked jin while serving yoongi.

Jungkook start coughing suddenly and taehyung and namjoon both gave water. Seeing taehyung namjoon immediately put down his glass so jungkook could take taehyung's glass.

Jungkook took the glass and drunk some water after that he stood up and  " I am full. "

" Kookie ? Kookie ? " Namjoon called but jungkook didn't come back.

" What happened to him suddenly ? " Asked taehyung confused.

Namjoon sighed. " Actually when I hired minje,he just came to Seoul and didn't have any place to live. So for few days I told him to stay here.
But I didn't knew jungkook will get so angry about it.
Jungkook can't handle if I call anyoney younger brother. He got angry and fought with minje. "

" He is such a Jerk . " Said taehyung.

" young master thought I was trying to take his place. That's why he just got jealous he isn't a bad person. " Said minje.

Jin shook his head. He was getting irritated by jungkook's behaviour, he should atleast listen to namjoon. He felt like jungkook was being disrespectful towards his hyung.


" I forgot my wallet..."  namjoon was about to enter his car when he realised.

He called one of the servent and told him to get his wallet from his room.

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