chapter - 26

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5 years ago

16 years old jimin was working in a hotel as a cleaning stuff. this year he couldn't continue school because he couldn't afford it. Jin go to his workplace, taehyung daily go to library. He took this chance and decided to work. He knew jin will not let him work so he didn't tell him.

He got to know about this job through one of his school workers. This hotel hire some young students so they don't have to pay much but they have a rule that the students should be atleast 18 years old. He lied about his age and took this job.

At first it was good but then some of his alpha co-workers started troubling him. They would always look at his body and make disgusting comments about it.

He used to ignore them but one day after his work when he came out of the stuff room after changing his clothes, he saw two of the Alpha's were standing. They were holding a cloth when they saw jimin they smiled and started coming towards his. It's took a second to realise what they wanted to do with him. Before they could grab he started running. No one was in the area since it was for the stuff, some stuffs were working and some went home jimin is the last one to finish his work. In hurry he took the stairs and start going to the next floor.
He stopped when he
He could hear the Alpha's footsteps in the stairs behind him.

The floor was empty it has sign that says it's reserved area.

He started running to see if anyone is here so he could ask for help.

The final room was locked he went to the second room and opened the door. He saw the Alpha's looking at him, they started coming towards him he entered the room and locked the door.

The room was dark only sented candals were burning in the room. He could only see a small table, it was full with foods. And a piano was in the corner. A person was sitting infront of the piano he can't see the person's face because of the darkness.

" Who are you? " Asked the person making him jump in fear.

" I....can you let me st..ay here for a while. I am in tr..ouble please. I will not disturb you. " Said jimin with difficulty. He could feel the Alpha's were banging on the door to get inside.

The person didn't said anything for a while making jimin panicked. He starts crying thinking what he will do now. If he contact hotel security they will investigate and he will get caught of lying, they will kick him out. He really needs money.

" You can stay stop crying. " The person said making jimin stop crying.

" Thank you so much. " He said while sniffing. He didn't had any energy to even stand, he was shaking so bad. He sat in the floor putting his head on his knees.

" Are you okay? " Asked the person making jimin looked towards the corner of the room where the person is sitting in the dark.

" I....I am not. I feel like dying. I just want to disappear from this world. I am sick and tired of everything...." Jimin said sobbing. He don't know why he is saying all this to a stranger he is just so tired of his life. Everytime he thinks everything will be okay things start getting messy. He feels like he is being a burden in jin's life.

" You know what me too. " Said the person with a chuckle.

" whenever I used to feel down my mom used to sing me a song. Looks like we both needs to hear the song right now. will you listen? " Again said the person making jimin looked towards the person.

Jimin didn't know what to say he just nodded his head not knowing if the person can even see him in the dark.

The person started playing the piano making jimin lost in the music forgotting everything. He put his head in the door closing his eyes.

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